α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
07/25 09:29:08
Raid - ȯ ٴ
հ : 55
: 55
HP : 15467000/15467000
÷ Ʈ˷
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36270/36270
Raid BossSeiren Norn() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 15467000/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10725/10725
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 4960/4960
SP : 1301/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9457/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5427/5427
SP : 4100/4100
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5701/5701
SP : 2803/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Field Battle
[]Ҽ() []() ״!

Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
2 []Ҽ(10725 > 10723)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
368 []Ҽ(10723 > 10355)
368 []Ҽ(10355 > 9987)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
368 []Ҽ(9987 > 9619)
368 []Ҽ(9619 > 9251)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
368 []Ҽ(9251 > 8883)
368 []Ҽ(8883 > 8515)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (4960 > 4960)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
Skill : The Song of Minstrel ( 100 85 )
HP ! +4%
() ָ ߴ...
뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[] 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]Ҽ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[ڸ]߻ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]ī 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ߻! 571 HP ȸ (5701 > 5701)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4100 > 4100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Quick Circle
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x1
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4000 > 4100)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Magic Circle
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x1
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (8515 > 10339)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Sword Breaker
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ HP ! +8%
[]Ҽ() غ Ǿ.
[]Ҽ() ȣѴ!
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ INT rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (21450 21448)
0 []Ҽ(10339 > 10339)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wing Storm
403 (4960 > 4557)
ൿ . (64 >>> 28/100).
335 [](9457 > 9122)
[] ൿ . (41 >>> 6/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ǿ.
0 []Ҽ(10339 > 10339)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
[]Ҽ ൿ . (46 >>> 10/100).
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
350 [ڸ]߻(5427 > 5077)
[ڸ]߻ ൿ . (4 >>> -32/100).
9% ! [Ӽ:Wind]
277 []ī(5701 > 5424)
[]ī ൿ . (10 >>> -25/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 15467000/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 4557/4960
SP : 1211/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9122/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10339/10725
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5077/5427
SP : 4000/4100
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5424/5701
SP : 2728/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
DEF down 20%
MDEF down 20%
7752 (4557 > -3195)
() ߴ.(TP )
TP down -10%
ְ ƴ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 7566 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9122 > 1556)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
25 SP !(1371 > 1396) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
èǾ !
[] ATK rise 5%
[] MATK rise 5%
[] STR rise 50
[] INT rise 50
[] DEX rise 50
[] SPD rise 50
[] LUK rise 50
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 7880 HP(1556 > 9436)
23174 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15467000 > 15443826)
25 SP !(1396 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8319 HP(9436 > 9457)
24467 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15443826 > 15419359)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21931 HP(9457 > 9457)
64503 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15419359 > 15354856)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8319 HP(9457 > 9457)
24467 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15354856 > 15330389)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21931 HP(9457 > 9457)
64503 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15330389 > 15265886)
ġŸ! 2.7!
ġŸ !
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21931 HP(9457 > 9457)
64503 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15265886 > 15201383)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8319 HP(9457 > 9457)
24467 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15201383 > 15176916)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21931 HP(9457 > 9457)
64503 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15176916 > 15112413)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubMace
[] ATK rise 422
: Axe
[] ATK rise 465
[] ATK rise 300
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (10339 > 10725)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
- []
Skill : Rowfarce's Celibacy
[]() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]Ҽ() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[ڸ]߻() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]ī() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (21448 21081)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
ġŸ! 1.1!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (21081 20677)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (20678 20311)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* []ī HP ߻! 571 HP ȸ (5424 > 5701)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2728 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 25/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5077 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4000 > 4100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Mana Extend
[ڸ]߻ ִSP Ͽ! 4920.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4100 > 4494)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
227 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15112413 > 15112186)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4377 > 4771)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- []ī
Skill : Resurrection
[]ī() عߴ!
SP ! +7%
() ǻƳ!
() ȸǾ: 9918 HP(0 > 4960)
[]ī ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -80/100)
* HP ! 198 HP ȸ (4960 > 4960)
* SP ! 91 SP ȸ (1211 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (4960 > 4960)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
ȿ .
Skill : Song of Coral ( 85 70 )
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
MAXHP(4960) extended to 5109
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 15112186/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10725/10725
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 4960/5109
SP : 1211/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9457/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[ڸ]߻ (casting)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5427/5427
SP : 4771/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5701/5701
SP : 2703/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
2480 (4960 > 2480)
4729 [](9457 > 4728)
5363 []Ҽ(10725 > 5362)
2714 [ڸ]߻(5427 > 2713)
2851 []ī(5701 > 2850)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 3
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(5427) extended to 5590
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
Anubis(A) .
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -395/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
2843 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15112186 > 15109343)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3054 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15109343 > 15106289)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3223 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15106289 > 15103066)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() () ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (20311 20092)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (20092 19873)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19872 19653)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
0 []Ҽ(5362 > 5362)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (5362 > 6220)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (6220 > 8044)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(10725) extended to 11047
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
251 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15103066 > 15102815)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 3028 HP ( Ŀ 2) (4728 > 1700)
[] MAXHP(9457) extended to 9741
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1328 > 1353) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 71744 HP(1700 > 9741)
211010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(15102815 > 14891805)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* HP ! 204 HP ȸ (2480 > 2684)
* SP ! 91 SP ȸ (1211 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 103 HP ȸ (2684 > 2787)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 7065)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
Skill : Melt Down
MAXHP(5109) extended to 5262
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ҵ! 2!
896 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14891805 > 14890909)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
283 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14890909 > 14890626)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
283 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14890626 > 14890343)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wing Storm
179 (2787 > 2608)
ൿ . (-43 >>> -71/100).
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [](9741 > 9741)
[] ൿ . (86 >>> 58/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ǿ.
0 []Ҽ(8044 > 8044)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
[]Ҽ ൿ . (57 >>> 28/100).
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
168 [ڸ]߻(2713 > 2545)
[ڸ]߻ ൿ . (-273 >>> -302/100).
9% ! [Ӽ:Wind]
133 []ī(2850 > 2717)
[]ī ൿ . (58 >>> 29/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1560 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9741 > 8181)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(9741) extended to 10033
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1340 > 1365) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(8181 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14890343 > 14858903)
25 SP !(1365 > 1390) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14858903 > 14827463)
25 SP !(1390 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14827463 > 14796023)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21043 HP(10033 > 10033)
61891 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14796023 > 14734132)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14734132 > 14702692)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14702692 > 14671252)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14671252 > 14639812)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10690 HP(10033 > 10033)
31440 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14639812 > 14608372)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 14608372/15467000
SP : 47600/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 2608/5262
SP : 1191/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 10033/10033
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 8044/11047
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 2545/5590
SP : 4438/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 2717/5701
SP : 2703/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
DEF down 20%
MDEF down 20%
4028 (2608 > -1420)
() ߴ.(TP )
TP down -10%
ְ ƴ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ߻! 571 HP ȸ (2717 > 3288)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2703 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 25/100)
- []
Skill : Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 602 HP ( Ŀ 2) (10033 > 9431)
[] MAXHP(10033) extended to 10334
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 884 HP ȸ (8044 > 8928)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1878 HP ȸ (8928 > 10806)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11047) extended to 11378
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 622 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9431 > 8809)
[] MAXHP(10334) extended to 10644
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19653 19652)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19652 19433)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19433 19258)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19258 19039)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
0 []Ҽ(10806 > 10806)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- []ī
Skill : Resurrection
[]ī MAXHP(5701) extended to 5872
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
() ǻƳ!
() ȸǾ: 9918 HP(0 > 5262)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -90/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 910 HP ȸ (10806 > 11378)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1935 HP ȸ (11378 > 11378)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Self Regeneration
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11378) extended to 11719
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ HP ! +7%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> -20/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1704 HP ( Ŀ 2) (8809 > 7105)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(10644) extended to 10963
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1398 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(7105 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14608372 > 14571288)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 39332 HP(10963 > 10963)
115683 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14571288 > 14455605)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(10963 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14455605 > 14418521)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(10963 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14418521 > 14381437)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 39332 HP(10963 > 10963)
115683 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14381437 > 14265754)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(10963 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14265754 > 14228670)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(10963 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14228670 > 14191586)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 12609 HP(10963 > 10963)
37084 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14191586 > 14154502)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() () ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19039 19038)
0 []Ҽ(11378 > 11378)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 14154502/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 11378/11719
SP : 605/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 5262/5262
SP : 1191/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (80%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 10963/10963
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 2545/5590
SP : 4438/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3288/5872
SP : 2703/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wing Storm
179 (5262 > 5083)
ൿ . (87 >>> 65/100).
197 [](10963 > 10766)
[] ൿ . (76 >>> 55/100).
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (19038 18871)
0 []Ҽ(11378 > 11378)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
[]Ҽ ൿ . (16 >>> -5/100).
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
168 [ڸ]߻(2545 > 2377)
[ڸ]߻ ൿ . (-75 >>> -96/100).
9% ! [Ӽ:Wind]
133 []ī(3288 > 3155)
[]ī ൿ . (-6 >>> -28/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 210 HP ȸ (5083 > 5262)
* SP ! 91 SP ȸ (1191 > 1282)
* HP ߻! 106 HP ȸ (5262 > 5262)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1282 > 1301)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 65 50 )
MAXHP(5262) extended to 5420
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 658 HP ( Ŀ 2) (10766 > 10108)
[] MAXHP(10963) extended to 11292
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
[]ī DEF down 20%
[]ī MDEF down 20%
2101 []ī(3155 > 1054)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1758 HP ȸ (11378 > 11719)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1993 HP ȸ (11719 > 11719)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (605 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11719) extended to 12071
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ߻! 588 HP ȸ (1054 > 1642)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2703 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* HP ! 217 HP ȸ (5262 > 5420)
* SP ! 91 SP ȸ (1211 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 109 HP ȸ (5420 > 5420)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 5045)
Skill : Discord(Seal) ( 45 35 )
MAXHP(5420) extended to 5583
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18871 18705)
0 []Ҽ(11719 > 11719)
0 []Ҽ(11719 > 11719)
[]Ҽ() () ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18705 18497)
0 []Ҽ(11719 > 11719)
0 []Ҽ(11719 > 11719)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
! 10% ߴ.
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 208 HP(11719 > 11927)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 208 SP(610 > 610)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18497 18289)
0 []Ҽ(11927 > 11927)
0 []Ҽ(11927 > 11927)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 3614 HP ( Ŀ 2) (10108 > 6494)
[] MAXHP(11292) extended to 11631
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1328 > 1353) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 287719 HP(6494 > 11631)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000)
500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(14154502 > 13654502)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- []ī
Skill : Heal All
[]ī MAXHP(5872) extended to 6048
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
() ȸǾ: 11089 HP(5420 > 5583)
[]ī() عߴ!
[] HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[] SP ! +7%
[] () ȸǾ: 10582 HP(11631 > 11631)
[]ī() عߴ!
[]Ҽ SP ! +7%
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 10582 HP(11927 > 12071)
[]ī() عߴ!
[ڸ]߻ HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[ڸ]߻ SP ! +7%
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 11625 HP(2377 > 5590)
[]ī() عߴ!
[]ī HP ! +7%
[]ī() عߴ!
[]ī SP ! +7%
[]ī () ȸǾ: 36419 HP(1642 > 6048)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -30/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 391 HP ȸ (5590 > 5590)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 344 SP ȸ (4438 > 4782)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 727 HP ȸ (5590 > 5590)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4782 > 4920)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(5590) extended to 5758
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> 55/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 13654502/15467000
SP : 47775/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 12071/12071
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 5583/5583
SP : 1181/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (80%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 11631/11631
SP : 1353/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5590/5758
SP : 4803/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6048/6048
SP : 2736/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1862 HP ( Ŀ 2) (11631 > 9769)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(11631) extended to 11980
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1340 > 1365) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(9769 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13654502 > 13614492)
25 SP !(1365 > 1390) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(11980 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13614492 > 13574482)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1390 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 42300 HP(11980 > 11980)
124411 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13574482 > 13450071)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(11980 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13450071 > 13410061)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(11980 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13410061 > 13370051)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(11980 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13370051 > 13330041)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 42300 HP(11980 > 11980)
124411 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13330041 > 13205630)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47600 > 47575)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13604 HP(11980 > 11980)
40010 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13205630 > 13165620)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1811 HP ȸ (12071 > 12071)
* []Ҽ SP ! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2053 HP ȸ (12071 > 12071)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12071) extended to 12433
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
269 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13165620 > 13165351)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47575 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
! 10% ߴ.
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 1 HP(12071 > 12072)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 1 SP(600 > 601)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18289 18288)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18288 18080)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
[]Ҽ() () ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (18080 17872)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17872 17664)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
0 []Ҽ(12072 > 12072)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* [] HP ! 839 HP ȸ (11980 > 11980)
* [] SP ! 99 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] MAXHP(11980) extended to 12339
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise 30%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise 30%
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise 30%
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 403 HP ȸ (5590 > 5758)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 344 SP ȸ (4803 > 4920)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 749 HP ȸ (5758 > 5758)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4920 > 4920)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 3
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(5758) extended to 5931
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
Anubis(B) .
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -395/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
3646 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13165351 > 13161705)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
Anubis(B) Ǿ.(Wind +15%)
0 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13161705 > 13161705)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3731 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13161705 > 13157974)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
Anubis(B)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 223 HP ȸ (5583 > 5583)
* SP ! 91 SP ȸ (1181 > 1272)
* HP ߻! 112 HP ȸ (5583 > 5583)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1272 > 1299)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
* []ī HP ! 423 HP ȸ (6048 > 6048)
* []ī SP ! 196 SP ȸ (2736 > 2803)
* []ī HP ߻! 605 HP ȸ (6048 > 6048)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
* [] HP ! 864 HP ȸ (11980 > 12339)
* [] SP ! 99 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
[]() ̴...(85%)(100 >>> 83/100)
- []ī
Skill : Mana Regen
[]ī MAXHP(6048) extended to 6229
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
SP ! +5%
[] SP ! +5%
[]Ҽ SP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ SP ! +5%
[]ī SP ! +5%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Melt Down
MAXHP(5583) extended to 5750
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
302 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13157974 > 13157672)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
302 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13157672 > 13157370)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
302 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13157370 > 13157068)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 13157068/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 12072/12433
SP : 601/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Job : Bard
HP : 5583/5750
SP : 1189/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (85%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 12339/12339
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5758/5931
SP : 4587/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6048/6229
SP : 2753/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
- []
Skill : Shout of Dragon
[] sacrifice 1482 HP ( Ŀ 2) (12339 > 10857)
Raid BossSeiren Norn moved to back.
[] MAXHP(12339) extended to 12709
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1336 > 1361) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 9870 HP(10857 > 12709)
29029 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13157068 > 13128039)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ . (74 >>> 43/100).
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 7.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 40/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1865 HP ȸ (12072 > 12433)
* []Ҽ SP ! 73 SP ȸ (601 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2114 HP ȸ (12433 > 12433)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12433) extended to 12806
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17664 17571)
0 []Ҽ(12433 > 12433)
[]Ҽ ATK down 30%
[]Ҽ MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wing Storm
91 (5583 > 5492)
ൿ . (-5 >>> -20/100).
109 [](12709 > 12600)
[] ൿ . (81 >>> 66/100).
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17571 17487)
0 []Ҽ(12433 > 12433)
[]Ҽ() ڷ з!
[]Ҽ ൿ . (7 >>> -7/100).
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
85 [ڸ]߻(5758 > 5673)
[ڸ]߻ ൿ . (-316 >>> -331/100).
9% ! [Ӽ:Wind]
[]ī DEF rise 15%
[]ī MDEF rise 15%
68 []ī(6048 > 5980)
[]ī ൿ . (59 >>> 44/100).
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 890 HP ȸ (12600 > 12709)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1361 > 1411)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 436 HP ȸ (5980 > 6229)
* []ī SP ! 336 SP ȸ (2753 > 2803)
* []ī HP ߻! 623 HP ȸ (6229 > 6229)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
DEF down 20%
MDEF down 20%
1852 (5492 > 3640)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6229) extended to 6416
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2034 HP ( Ŀ 2) (12709 > 10675)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(12709) extended to 13090
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1398 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13884 HP(10675 > 13090)
40833 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13128039 > 13087206)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 43063 HP(13090 > 13090)
126655 Raid BossSeiren Norn(13087206 > 12960551)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13884 HP(13090 > 13090)
40833 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12960551 > 12919718)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13884 HP(13090 > 13090)
40833 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12919718 > 12878885)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13884 HP(13090 > 13090)
40833 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12878885 > 12838052)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 43063 HP(13090 > 13090)
126655 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12838052 > 12711397)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 13884 HP(13090 > 13090)
40833 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12711397 > 12670564)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 43063 HP(13090 > 13090)
126655 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12670564 > 12543909)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
Shout of Dragon 6.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* HP ! 230 HP ȸ (3640 > 3870)
* SP ! 156 SP ȸ (1189 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 115 HP ȸ (3870 > 3985)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 35 20 )
MAXHP(5750) extended to 5923
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1921 HP ȸ (12433 > 12806)
* []Ҽ SP ! 73 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2178 HP ȸ (12806 > 12806)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Stance Restore-Forward(Self)
[]Ҽ MAXHP(12806) extended to 13190
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ moved to front.
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise 30%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Shout of Dragon 5.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ǿ.
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 12543909/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 12806/13190
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Bard
HP : 3985/5923
SP : 1211/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5673/5931
SP : 4587/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6229/6416
SP : 2778/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17486 17384)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17385 17283)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17283 17156)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
0 []Ҽ(12806 > 12806)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 449 HP ȸ (6229 > 6416)
* []ī SP ! 336 SP ȸ (2778 > 2803)
* []ī HP ߻! 642 HP ȸ (6416 > 6416)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* HP ! 237 HP ȸ (3985 > 4222)
* SP ! 156 SP ȸ (1211 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 119 HP ȸ (4222 > 4341)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 2015)
Skill : Tuning
Ư ī 999 ȸ (: 100)
MAXHP(5923) extended to 6101
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
ְ ƴ...
ൿ .(0 >>> 30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1979 HP ȸ (12806 > 13190)
* []Ҽ SP ! 73 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2243 HP ȸ (13190 > 13190)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
[]Ҽ MAXHP(13190) extended to 13586
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
[]Ҽ ޾Ƴ´!!
[]Ҽ Ⱑ η!!
[]Ҽ ATK down 10%
[]Ҽ MATK down 10%
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17156 17072)
0 []Ҽ(13190 > 13190)
[]Ҽ DEF down 30%
[]Ҽ MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī MAXHP(6416) extended to 6608
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
2171 (4341 > 2170)
6545 [](13090 > 6545)
6595 []Ҽ(13190 > 6595)
2837 [ڸ]߻(5673 > 2836)
3208 []ī(6416 > 3208)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 4190 HP ( Ŀ 2) (6545 > 2355)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1328 > 1353) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 95141 HP(2355 > 13090)
279825 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12543909 > 12264084)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 4.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1353 > 1411)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* HP ! 244 HP ȸ (2170 > 2414)
* SP ! 156 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 123 HP ȸ (2414 > 2537)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17072 17071)
0 []Ҽ(6595 > 6595)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (17071 16967)
0 []Ҽ(6595 > 6595)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Melt Down
MAXHP(6101) extended to 6284
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ҵ! 2!
1292 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12264084 > 12262792)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
481 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12262792 > 12262311)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
481 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12262311 > 12261830)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1398 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(10994 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12261830 > 12219819)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(13090 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12219819 > 12177808)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(13090 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12177808 > 12135797)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44344 HP(13090 > 13090)
130424 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12135797 > 12005373)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(13090 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(12005373 > 11963362)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(13090 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11963362 > 11921351)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44344 HP(13090 > 13090)
130424 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11921351 > 11790927)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14284 HP(13090 > 13090)
42011 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11790927 > 11748916)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
Shout of Dragon 3.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 11748916/15467000
SP : 47600/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 6595/13586
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Bard
HP : 2537/6284
SP : 1191/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 2836/5931
SP : 4587/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3208/6608
SP : 2778/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
* []ī HP ! 463 HP ȸ (3208 > 3671)
* []ī SP ! 336 SP ȸ (2778 > 2803)
* []ī HP ߻! 661 HP ȸ (3671 > 4332)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2038 HP ȸ (6595 > 8633)
* []Ҽ SP ! 73 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2310 HP ȸ (8633 > 10943)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() () ״!
[]Ҽ MAXHP(13586) extended to 13994
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 2!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16967 16785)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
[]Ҽ ATK down 30%
[]Ҽ MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise 30%
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise 30%
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
Shout of Dragon 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16785 16684)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16684 16558)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16559 16458)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
0 []Ҽ(10943 > 10943)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- []ī
Skill : Heal All
[]ī MAXHP(6608) extended to 6806
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
() ȸǾ: 12627 HP(2537 > 6284)
[] () ȸǾ: 12120 HP(13090 > 13090)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 12120 HP(10943 > 13994)
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 13163 HP(2836 > 5931)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 41001 HP(4332 > 6806)
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> -30/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1411 > 1411)
- []
Skill : Head Hunt
[] sacrifice 786 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 12304)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
137101 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11748916 > 11611815)
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
137101 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11611815 > 11474714)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
43196 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11474714 > 11431518)
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
137101 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11431518 > 11294417)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
Shout of Dragon 1.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 415 HP ȸ (5931 > 5931)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 590 SP ȸ (4587 > 4920)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 772 HP ȸ (5931 > 5931)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4920 > 4920)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(5931) extended to 6109
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> 55/100)
* HP ! 251 HP ȸ (6284 > 6284)
* SP ! 156 SP ȸ (1191 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 126 HP ȸ (6284 > 6284)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
Skill : Little Whistle
() ȸǾ: 0 HP(6284 > 6284)
() ȸǾ: 0 SP(1301 > 1301)
[] () ȸǾ: 40 HP(12304 > 12344)
[] () ȸǾ: 2 SP(1391 > 1393)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 0 HP(13994 > 13994)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 1 SP(600 > 601)
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(5931 > 5940)
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 12 SP(4803 > 4815)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 0 HP(6806 > 6806)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 7 SP(2736 > 2743)
ൿ .( Һ )(0 >>> 100/100)
* HP ! 251 HP ȸ (6284 > 6284)
* SP ! 156 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
* HP ߻! 126 HP ȸ (6284 > 6284)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 100 85 )
MAXHP(6284) extended to 6473
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2099 HP ȸ (13994 > 13994)
* []Ҽ SP ! 73 SP ȸ (601 > 610)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2379 HP ȸ (13994 > 13994)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(13994) extended to 14414
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ Ǿ.(Wind +15%)
0 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11294417 > 11294417)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16458 16337)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16337 16216)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16216 16095)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
0 []Ҽ(13994 > 13994)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 11294417/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 13994/14414
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Bard
HP : 6284/6473
SP : 1211/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (95%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 12344/13090
SP : 1393/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5940/6109
SP : 4815/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6806/6806
SP : 2743/2803
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (12344 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 169 SP ȸ (1393 > 1411)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 428 HP ȸ (5940 > 6109)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 590 SP ȸ (4815 > 4920)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 795 HP ȸ (6109 > 6109)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4920 > 4920)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
* []ī HP ! 476 HP ȸ (6806 > 6806)
* []ī SP ! 336 SP ȸ (2743 > 2803)
* []ī HP ߻! 681 HP ȸ (6806 > 6806)
* []ī SP ߻! 169 SP ȸ (2803 > 2803)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 4
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(6109) extended to 6292
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
Arch Angel(A) .
[ڸ]߻() ϰִ.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -295/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Holy Fortune
MAXHP(6473) extended to 8091
MAXSP(1301) extended to 1626
() ȸǾ: 7539 HP(6284 > 8091)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise 50%
DEX rise 50%
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
[] MAXSP(1411) extended to 1764
[] () ȸǾ: 7369 HP(13090 > 13090)
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise 50%
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEF rise 25%
[] MDEF rise 25%
[]Ҽ MAXSP(610) extended to 763
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 7369 HP(13994 > 14414)
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 50%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 50%
[]Ҽ DEF rise 25%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 25%
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(6292) extended to 7865
[ڸ]߻ MAXSP(4920) extended to 6150
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 7719 HP(6109 > 7865)
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 25%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 25%
[]ī MAXHP(6806) extended to 8508
[]ī MAXSP(2803) extended to 3504
[]ī () ȸǾ: 23599 HP(6806 > 8508)
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 50%
[]ī DEX rise 50%
[]ī DEF rise 25%
[]ī MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(A)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 195 SP ȸ (1211 > 1406)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1406 > 1439)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 8580)
Skill : Discord(Seal) ( 80 70 )
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ǵٸ ´!
() ! x1
Ǵٸ [] ´!
Ǵٸ []Ҽ ´!
Ǵٸ [ڸ]߻ ´!
Ǵٸ []ī ´!
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1398 > 1423) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14362 HP(10994 > 13090)
42241 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11294417 > 11252176)
25 SP !(1423 > 1448) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14362 HP(13090 > 13090)
42241 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11252176 > 11209935)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1448 > 1473) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44595 HP(13090 > 13090)
131160 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11209935 > 11078775)
25 SP !(1473 > 1498) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14362 HP(13090 > 13090)
42241 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11078775 > 11036534)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1498 > 1523) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44595 HP(13090 > 13090)
131160 Raid BossSeiren Norn(11036534 > 10905374)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1523 > 1548) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44595 HP(13090 > 13090)
131160 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10905374 > 10774214)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1548 > 1573) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 44595 HP(13090 > 13090)
131160 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10774214 > 10643054)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1573 > 1598) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 28104 HP(13090 > 13090)
82659 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10643054 > 10560395)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] Shout of Dragon !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2162 HP ȸ (14414 > 14414)
* []Ҽ SP ! 92 SP ȸ (600 > 692)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2451 HP ȸ (14414 > 14414)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (692 > 746)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(14414) extended to 14846
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
284 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10560395 > 10560111)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16095 16095)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16094 16008)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 212 SP ȸ (1598 > 1764)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 10560111/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14414/14846
SP : 736/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1319/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 4753/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 2778/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 212 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 420 SP ȸ (2778 > 3198)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3198 > 3409)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
- []ī
Skill : Mana Regen
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
SP ! +5%
[] SP ! +5%
[]Ҽ SP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ SP ! +5%
[]ī SP ! +5%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (16008 15896)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15896 15806)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15806 15694)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
0 []Ҽ(14414 > 14414)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14414 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (736 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
[]Ҽ ޾Ƴ´!!
[]Ҽ Ⱑ η!!
[]Ҽ ATK down 10%
[]Ҽ MATK down 10%
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15694 15613)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ ATK down 30%
[]Ҽ MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 276 SP ȸ (1319 > 1595)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1595 > 1626)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 4190 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 8900)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1681 > 1706) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 97029 HP(8900 > 13090)
285378 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10560111 > 10274733)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1706 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
Skill : Melt Down
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
854 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10274733 > 10273879)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
854 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10273879 > 10273025)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
854 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10273025 > 10272171)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 596 SP ȸ (3359 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1751 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45226 HP(10994 > 13090)
133017 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10272171 > 10139154)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45226 HP(13090 > 13090)
133017 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10139154 > 10006137)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14560 HP(13090 > 13090)
42821 Raid BossSeiren Norn(10006137 > 9963316)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14560 HP(13090 > 13090)
42821 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9963316 > 9920495)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14560 HP(13090 > 13090)
42821 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9920495 > 9877674)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14560 HP(13090 > 13090)
42821 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9877674 > 9834853)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 28499 HP(13090 > 13090)
83819 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9834853 > 9751034)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47600 > 47575)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14560 HP(13090 > 13090)
42821 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9751034 > 9708213)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47575 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15613 15613)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 9708213/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 753/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1516/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 4753/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3479/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
[]Ҽ() () ״!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15612 15527)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (753 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() () ״!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15527 15442)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ DEF down 30%
[]Ҽ MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : Head Hunt
[] sacrifice 786 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 12304)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
139802 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9708213 > 9568411)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
44040 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9568411 > 9524371)
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
139802 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9524371 > 9384569)
Ҵ! 2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
87568 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9384569 > 9297001)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 276 SP ȸ (1516 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 70 55 )
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ǵٸ ´!
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [] ´!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []Ҽ ´!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [ڸ]߻ ´!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []ī ´!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 596 SP ȸ (3479 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() () ״!
! 10% ߴ.
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 112 HP(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 112 SP(753 > 763)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15442 15331)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15331 15220)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() []ī() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15220 15109)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 551 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 1046 SP ȸ (4753 > 5799)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 1023 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 492 SP ȸ (5799 > 6150)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
[]Ҽ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Magic Circle
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x1
[ڸ]߻() ϰִ.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -45/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Shield Repair
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
DEF (69 -> 151)%
MDEF (69 -> 145)%
[]Ҽ() и ߴ!
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (12304 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1744 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 276 SP ȸ (1536 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 5550)
Skill : Discord(Seal) ( 50 40 )
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ǵٸ ´!
() ! x1
Ǵٸ [] ´!
Ǵٸ []Ҽ ´!
Ǵٸ [ڸ]߻ ´!
Ǵٸ []ī ´!
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 9297001/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 763/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1506/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (105%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 6117/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3479/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (125%)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1751 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(10994 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9297001 > 9253599)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45857 HP(13090 > 13090)
134873 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9253599 > 9118726)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(13090 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9118726 > 9075324)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(13090 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9075324 > 9031922)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(13090 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(9031922 > 8988520)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(13090 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8988520 > 8945118)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14757 HP(13090 > 13090)
43402 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8945118 > 8901716)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45857 HP(13090 > 13090)
134873 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8901716 > 8766843)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 596 SP ȸ (3479 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15108 15004)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (15004 14900)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() () ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14900 14796)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 2!
778 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8766843 > 8766065)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 551 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 1046 SP ȸ (6117 > 6150)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 1023 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 492 SP ȸ (6150 > 6150)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻() ϰִ.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> 55/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 551 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 1046 SP ȸ (6033 > 6150)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 1023 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 492 SP ȸ (6150 > 6150)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 276 SP ȸ (1506 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 3
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
Anubis(C) .
[ڸ]߻() ϰִ.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -395/100)
- Anubis(C)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(C)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
3828 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8766065 > 8762237)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3828 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8762237 > 8758409)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3828 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8758409 > 8754581)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
Anubis(C)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 8754581/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 753/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1626/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (110%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 5817/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3479/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (130%)
Skill : Melt Down
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
1069 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8754581 > 8753512)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
1069 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8753512 > 8752443)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
1069 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8752443 > 8751374)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (753 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
272 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8751374 > 8751102)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 596 SP ȸ (3479 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 4190 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 8900)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1681 > 1706) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 194917 HP(8900 > 13090)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000)
500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8751102 > 8251102)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1706 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() () ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14796 14796)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
[]Ҽ() () ״!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ⱑ η!!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 10%
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14796 14770)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1751 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45711 HP(10994 > 13090)
134443 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8251102 > 8116659)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14711 HP(13090 > 13090)
43267 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8116659 > 8073392)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45711 HP(13090 > 13090)
134443 Raid BossSeiren Norn(8073392 > 7938949)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 28802 HP(13090 > 13090)
84711 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7938949 > 7854238)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14711 HP(13090 > 13090)
43267 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7854238 > 7810971)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45711 HP(13090 > 13090)
134443 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7810971 > 7676528)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14711 HP(13090 > 13090)
43267 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7676528 > 7633261)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 45711 HP(13090 > 13090)
134443 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7633261 > 7498818)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 130 SP ȸ (753 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() () ״!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
[]Ҽ ޾Ƴ´!!
[]Ҽ Ⱑ η!!
[]Ҽ ATK down 10%
[]Ҽ MATK down 10%
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14770 14691)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ DEF down 30%
[]Ҽ MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 300 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 7498818/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 753/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1516/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 5817/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3479/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() () ״!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14691 14645)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14645 14588)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14588 14531)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 276 SP ȸ (1516 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 40 25 )
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ǵٸ ´!
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [] ´!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []Ҽ ´!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [ڸ]߻ ´!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []ī ´!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 596 SP ȸ (3479 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
- []ī
Skill : Mana Regen
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
SP ! +5%
[] SP ! +5%
[]Ҽ SP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ SP ! +5%
[]ī SP ! +5%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* [] HP ! 916 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 388 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : Head Hunt
[] sacrifice 786 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 12304)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
44499 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7498818 > 7454319)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
44499 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7454319 > 7409820)
ġŸ! 3.2!
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
141270 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7409820 > 7268550)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
44499 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7268550 > 7224051)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 0/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2227 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 168 SP ȸ (753 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
273 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7224051 > 7223778)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 324 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 358 SP ȸ (1536 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 2520)
Skill : Tuning
Ư ī 999 ȸ (: 100)
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
ְ ƴ...
ൿ .(0 >>> 30/100)
* []ī HP ! 596 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 771 SP ȸ (3454 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
- []ī
Skill : Regeneration
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
HP ! +5%
[] HP ! +5%
[]Ҽ HP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ HP ! +5%
[]ī HP ! +5%
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* [] HP ! 1571 HP ȸ (12304 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 388 SP ȸ (1744 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Dream-

ź 뷧Ҹ .
() ִ...
[]() ִ...
[]Ҽ() ִ...
[ڸ]߻() ִ...
[]ī() ִ...
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Charm-
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!

Ȥϴ 뷧Ҹ .
[]Ҽ() ŷߴ!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14531 14531)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Tail Spear
[]Ҽ() () ״!
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
Raid BossSeiren Norn Ⱑ η!!
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 10%
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14531 14507)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 7223778/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 753/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1626/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (115%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 5817/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3471/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (135%)
* HP ! 728 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 358 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
Skill : Little Whistle
() ȸǾ: 0 HP(8091 > 8091)
() ȸǾ: 0 SP(1626 > 1626)
[] () ȸǾ: 0 HP(13090 > 13090)
[] () ȸǾ: 0 SP(1764 > 1764)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 0 HP(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 1 SP(753 > 754)
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 0 HP(7865 > 7865)
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 34 SP(5817 > 5851)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 0 HP(8508 > 8508)
[]ī () ȸǾ: 4 SP(3471 > 3475)
ൿ .( Һ )(0 >>> 100/100)
* HP ! 728 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 358 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 2969 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 168 SP ȸ (754 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
[]Ҽ() ƴϴ...
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14507 14422)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ DEF down 30%
[]Ҽ MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ() ȴ.
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Melt Down
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
1089 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7223778 > 7222689)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
1089 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7222689 > 7221600)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
1089 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7221600 > 7220511)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* []ī HP ! 1021 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 771 SP ȸ (3475 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
- []ī
Skill : Regeneration
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
HP ! +5%
[] HP ! +5%
[]Ҽ HP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ HP ! +5%
[]ī HP ! +5%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 2096 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 10994)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
25 SP !(1751 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14887 HP(10994 > 13090)
43784 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7220511 > 7176727)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 46273 HP(13090 > 13090)
136097 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7176727 > 7040630)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14887 HP(13090 > 13090)
43784 Raid BossSeiren Norn(7040630 > 6996846)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 46273 HP(13090 > 13090)
136097 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6996846 > 6860749)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14887 HP(13090 > 13090)
43784 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6860749 > 6816965)
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 14887 HP(13090 > 13090)
43784 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6816965 > 6773181)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 46273 HP(13090 > 13090)
136097 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6773181 > 6637084)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1764 > 1764) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 46273 HP(13090 > 13090)
136097 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6637084 > 6500987)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 1.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] War Song !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* [] HP ! 2225 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 388 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
- []
Skill : War Song
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
TP rise 5%
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] TP rise 5%
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ TP rise 5%
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ TP rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī TP rise 5%
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[]() ϰִ.
[] Ragnarok !
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 2.
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wind
[]Ҽ() () ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14422 14366)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ() []() ״!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14367 14311)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ޾Ƴ´!!
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (14311 14266)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
0 []Ҽ(14846 > 14846)
Raid BossSeiren Norn 绡.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* []ī HP ! 1446 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ! 771 SP ȸ (3471 > 3504)
* []ī HP ߻! 851 HP ȸ (8508 > 8508)
* []ī SP ߻! 211 SP ȸ (3504 > 3504)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 3712 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ! 168 SP ȸ (753 > 763)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 2524 HP ȸ (14846 > 14846)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 54 SP ȸ (763 > 763)
[]Ҽ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 80/100)
* [] HP ! 2225 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 388 SP ȸ (1764 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- []ī
Skill : Mana Regen
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
SP ! +5%
[] SP ! +5%
[]Ҽ SP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ SP ! +5%
[]ī SP ! +5%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Shield Repair
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
DEF (70 -> 151)%
MDEF (68 -> 145)%
[]Ҽ() и ߴ!
[]Ҽ() ϰִ.
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 1337 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 1661 SP ȸ (5851 > 6150)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 1023 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 492 SP ȸ (6150 > 6150)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻() ϰִ.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> 55/100)
* HP ! 1133 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ! 439 SP ȸ (1516 > 1626)
* HP ߻! 162 HP ȸ (8091 > 8091)
* SP ߻! 33 SP ȸ (1626 > 1626)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 100 85 )
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
Ǵٸ ´!
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [] ´!
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []Ҽ ´!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ [ڸ]߻ ´!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
Ǵٸ []ī ´!
[]ī ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
() ϰִ.
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6500987/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 14846/14846
SP : 763/763
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Bard
HP : 8091/8091
SP : 1536/1626
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (120%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 13090/13090
SP : 1764/1764
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7865/7865
SP : 6033/6150
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 8508/8508
SP : 3454/3504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (140%)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ! 1337 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ! 1661 SP ȸ (6033 > 6150)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 1023 HP ȸ (7865 > 7865)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 492 SP ȸ (6150 > 6150)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 4190 HP ( Ŀ 2) (13090 > 8900)
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1681 > 1706) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 318980 HP(8900 > 13090)
ִ !( Ѱ 500000)
500000 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6500987 > 6000987)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
[]() ϰִ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
War Song 1.
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [] HP ! 2225 HP ȸ (13090 > 13090)
* [] SP ! 476 SP ȸ (1706 > 1764)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 4
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 5%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 5%
Arch Angel(B) .
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( ൿ(5) )(0 >>> -295/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Holy Fortune
MAXHP(8091) extended to 10114
MAXSP(1626) extended to 2033
() ȸǾ: 7539 HP(8091 > 10114)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
[] MAXSP(1764) extended to 2205
[] () ȸǾ: 7369 HP(13090 > 13090)
[] STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[] INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[] DEF rise 25%
[] MDEF rise 25%
[]Ҽ MAXSP(763) extended to 954
[]Ҽ () ȸǾ: 7369 HP(14846 > 14846)
[]Ҽ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]Ҽ DEF rise 25%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 25%
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(7865) extended to 9831
[ڸ]߻ MAXSP(6150) extended to 7688
[ڸ]߻ () ȸǾ: 7719 HP(7865 > 9831)
[ڸ]߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[ڸ]߻ DEF rise 25%
[ڸ]߻ MDEF rise 25%
[]ī MAXHP(8508) extended to 10635
[]ī MAXSP(3504) extended to 4380
[]ī () ȸǾ: 23599 HP(8508 > 10635)
[]ī STR rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī INT rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
[]ī DEF rise 25%
[]ī MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(B)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ! 1808 HP ȸ (10635 > 10635)
* []ī SP ! 1183 SP ȸ (3454 > 4380)
* []ī HP ߻! 1064 HP ȸ (10635 > 10635)
* []ī SP ߻! 263 SP ȸ (4380 > 4380)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 92/100)
- []ī
Skill : Regeneration
[]ī DEF rise 5%
[]ī MDEF rise 5%
HP ! +5%
[] HP ! +5%
[]Ҽ HP ! +5%
[ڸ]߻ HP ! +5%
[]ī HP ! +5%
[]ī() ϰִ.
[]ī ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Battle End
Raid BossSeiren Norn ӵ ư.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid - ȯ ٴ() ¸ߴ!
HP : 6000987/15467000
: 1/1
: 59207
HP : 0/0
: 0/5
: 9466013
: 166/600
[] žӽ :+622

9466013 ( : 9466013)