α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
07/16 23:47:48
Raid - ð
հ : 116
: 38.7
HP : 3841680/3841680
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36758/36758
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3683880/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 847/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 4129/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Relentless SP ! +10%
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9081 HP(7168 > 7168)
28377 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3683880 > 3655503)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4445 HP(7168 > 7168)
13889 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(78900 > 65011)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4445 HP(7168 > 7168)
13889 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(78900 > 65011)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubHatchet
Relentless ATK rise 90
Relentless ATK rise 69
Relentless DEF rise 214
Relentless MDEF rise 267
: Axe
Relentless ATK rise 689
Relentless ATK rise 264
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Field Battle

ִ , , ¦! Ķ! ϴ ༮ θ ڻ쳻ش!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Up

,!! ,ϴ! , !!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() з ڽ մ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to front.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (4129 > 4129)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
Skill : Spell Focus
() ӽ״!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Call:Grand Dino
߼ +50%!
߼ ߷ +18%!
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ!
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -150/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 HP ! +17%
1 SP ! +12%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21220 HP(7168 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!

0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917846 > 2917846)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4823 HP(7168 > 7168)
15071 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(65011 > 49940)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4823 HP(7168 > 7168)
15071 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(65011 > 49940)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(B)
Skill : Hardness
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ܴ!
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 25%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- Goblin Battle Tank(A)
Skill : Hardness
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ܴ!
Goblin Battle Tank(A) DEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) MDEF rise 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) SPD down 25%
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2917846/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 49940/78900
SP : 860/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 49940/78900
SP : 860/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14403/14403
SP : 1602/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2279/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3829/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
249 1(3859 > 3610)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2917846 > 2917246)
236 Relentless(7168 > 6932)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(3610 > 3610)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
241 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14162)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
267 ƴ(17686 > 17419)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21220 HP(6932 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(860 > 815)
ܴ δ! -50% .
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17662 HP(7168 > 7168)
55193 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(49940 > -5253)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(860 > 815)
ܴ δ! -50% .
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4015 HP(7168 > 7168)
12544 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(49940 > 37396)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(A) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3610 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5620 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3829 > 4119)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 14)
10 SP !(1703 > 1713) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
10 SP !(1713 > 1723) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1723 > 1733) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(815 > 805)
̻ ! ƿԴ...
5737 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(37396 > 31659)
10 SP !(1733 > 1743) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
10 SP !(1743 > 1753) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
10 SP !(1753 > 1763) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2917246 > 2917246)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 1440 HP ȸ (14162 > 14403)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Hardness
Grand Dino(A)() ܴ!
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD down 25%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25705 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(A)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(3859 > 3859)
Goblin Monk(A)() ߴ.
210 (2425 > 2215)
Goblin Mage(A)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2917246 > 2916646)
189 Relentless(7168 > 6979)
Goblin Mage(B)() ߴ.
214 ƴ(17419 > 17205)
Goblin Mage(C)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
205 ڸ߻(5620 > 5415)
Goblin Warrior(B)() ߴ.
ġŸ! 1.1!
ܴ δ! -50% .
106 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14297)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9646 HP(6979 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(805 > 760)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4823 HP(7168 > 7168)
15071 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(31659 > 16588)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Warrior(A)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 19316 HP(7168 > 7168)
60363 Goblin Warrior(A)(2670 > -57693)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Monk(A)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 58127 HP(7168 > 7168)
181644 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > -177124)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(A)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 63891 HP(7168 > 7168)
199658 Goblin Mage(A)(1950 > -197708)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(B)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 29016 HP(7168 > 7168)
90675 Goblin Mage(B)(1950 > -88725)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(C)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 63891 HP(7168 > 7168)
199658 Goblin Mage(C)(1950 > -197708)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Warrior(B)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9642 HP(7168 > 7168)
30132 Goblin Warrior(B)(2670 > -27462)
Goblin Warrior(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(B)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (5415 > 5620)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3769 > 4059)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2916646/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 16588/78900
SP : 760/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14297/14403
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2215/2425
SP : 1763/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17205/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
HP : 15448/15448
SP : 15448/15448
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
1639 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(16588 > 14949)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
2164 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(14949 > 12785)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
2601 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(12785 > 10184)
Goblin Battle Tank(B) STR down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) INT down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEX down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) LUK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) SPD down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) ATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MATK down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) DEF down 20%
Goblin Battle Tank(B) MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11401 HP(7168 > 7168)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(760 > 715)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21254 HP(7168 > 7168)
66417 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(10184 > -56233)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(B) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1763 > 1812)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3859 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
ܴ δ! -50% .
1442 Grand Dino(A)(14297 > 12855)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(3859) extended to 7396
MAXHP(2425) extended to 5962
Relentless MAXHP(7168) extended to 10705
ƴ MAXHP(17686) extended to 21223
ڸ߻ MAXHP(5620) extended to 9157
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(14403) extended to 21477
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 28)
10 SP !(1112 > 1122) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(1122 > 1132) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(1132 > 1142) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1142 > 1152) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(1152 > 1162) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(1162 > 1172) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2148 HP ȸ (12855 > 15003)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2234 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 5%
Relentless () ȸǾ: 52395 HP(7168 > 10705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 52395 HP(10705 > 10705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1172 > 1221)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 1257 HP ȸ (3859 > 5116)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(7396) extended to 10933
MAXHP(5962) extended to 9499
Relentless MAXHP(10705) extended to 14242
ƴ MAXHP(21223) extended to 24760
ڸ߻ MAXHP(9157) extended to 12694
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(21477) extended to 28551
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2916646/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 15003/28551
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5116/10933
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2215/9499
SP : 1221/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 10705/14242
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17205/24760
SP : 457/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/12694
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2855 HP ȸ (15003 > 17858)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 42)
10 SP !(521 > 531) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(531 > 541) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(541 > 551) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(551 > 561) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(561 > 571) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
10 SP !(571 > 581) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 52395 HP(10705 > 14242)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11806 HP(14242 > 14242)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916646 > 2916646)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25500 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
166 1(5116 > 4950)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
178 ƴ(17205 > 17027)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2916646 > 2916046)
158 Relentless(14242 > 14084)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
ġŸ! 1.1!
193 (2215 > 2022)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
ġŸ! 1.1!
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
188 ڸ߻(5620 > 5432)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 1859 HP ȸ (4950 > 6809)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(10933) extended to 14470
MAXHP(9499) extended to 13036
Relentless MAXHP(14242) extended to 17779
ƴ MAXHP(24760) extended to 28297
ڸ߻ MAXHP(12694) extended to 16231
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(28551) extended to 35625
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (581 > 630)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11806 HP(14084 > 17779)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(630 > 1832)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2916046/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 17858/35625
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 6809/14470
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2022/13036
SP : 1832/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 17779/17779
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17027/28297
SP : 437/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5432/16231
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 52395 HP(17779 > 17779)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1137 HP ȸ (5432 > 6569)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3059 > 3349)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25710 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(B)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
133 1(6809 > 6676)
Goblin Mage(D)() ߴ.
140 (2022 > 1882)
Goblin Warrior(C)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(17779 > 17779)
Goblin Mage(E)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ƴ(17027 > 17027)
Goblin Monk(C)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
137 ڸ߻(6569 > 6432)
Goblin Monk(D)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(17858 > 17858)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1832 > 1881)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 2460 HP ȸ (6676 > 9136)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(14470) extended to 18007
MAXHP(13036) extended to 16573
Relentless MAXHP(17779) extended to 21316
ƴ MAXHP(28297) extended to 31834
ڸ߻ MAXHP(16231) extended to 19768
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(35625) extended to 42699
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 52395 HP(17779 > 21316)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Monk(B)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12444 HP(21316 > 21316)
38885 Goblin Monk(B)(4520 > -34365)
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Mage(D)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(21316 > 21316)
45265 Goblin Mage(D)(1950 > -43315)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Warrior(C)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(21316 > 21316)
132918 Goblin Warrior(C)(2670 > -130248)
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(E)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(21316 > 21316)
45265 Goblin Mage(E)(1950 > -43315)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(C)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13164 HP(21316 > 21316)
41136 Goblin Monk(C)(4520 > -36616)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(D)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 54957 HP(21316 > 21316)
171740 Goblin Monk(D)(4520 > -167220)
Goblin Monk(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(D)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1384 HP ȸ (6432 > 7816)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2999 > 3289)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 56)
10 SP !(1181 > 1191) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(1191 > 1201) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(1201 > 1211) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(1211 > 1221) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(1221 > 1231) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(1231 > 1241) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(B)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down to the limit! (220)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(B)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2916046/3683880
SP : 25695/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 17858/42699
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 9136/18007
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1882/16573
SP : 1241/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 21316/21316
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17027/31834
SP : 417/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7816/19768
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4270 HP ȸ (17858 > 22128)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
ġŸ !
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 68404 HP(21316 > 21316)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(18007) extended to 21544
MAXHP(16573) extended to 20110
Relentless MAXHP(21316) extended to 24853
ƴ MAXHP(31834) extended to 35371
ڸ߻ MAXHP(19768) extended to 23305
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(42699) extended to 49773
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (9136 > 12798)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1241 > 1290)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25650 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(F)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
87 1(12798 > 12711)
Goblin Warrior(D)() ߴ.
91 (1882 > 1791)
Goblin Mage(G)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(21316 > 21316)
Goblin Monk(E)() ߴ.
93 ƴ(17027 > 16934)
Goblin Monk(F)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
89 ڸ߻(7816 > 7727)
Goblin Monk(G)() ߴ.
̻ ! ƿԴ...
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(22128 > 22128)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 68404 HP(21316 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Mage(F)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 63891 HP(24853 > 24853)
199658 Goblin Mage(F)(1950 > -197708)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Warrior(D)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 19316 HP(24853 > 24853)
60363 Goblin Warrior(D)(2670 > -57693)
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Mage(G)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(24853 > 24853)
45265 Goblin Mage(G)(1950 > -43315)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(E)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 58127 HP(24853 > 24853)
181644 Goblin Monk(E)(4520 > -177124)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(F)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13164 HP(24853 > 24853)
41136 Goblin Monk(F)(4520 > -36616)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(G)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 54957 HP(24853 > 24853)
171740 Goblin Monk(G)(4520 > -167220)
Goblin Mage(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(G)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
STR rise 20%
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless SPD rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 70)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(590 > 600) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(600 > 610) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(610 > 620) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(620 > 630) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(630 > 640) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
10 SP !(640 > 650) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (22128 > 27105)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 16576 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(16934 > 16939) : 1(12711 > 12706)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16939 > 16946)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(12706 > 12706)
1 ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(16946 > 16951) : (1791 > 1786)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16951 > 16959)
141 (1786 > 1645)
ൿ . (58 >>> 108/100).
5 HP !(16959 > 16964) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16964 > 16971)
600 ݻ Relentless(16971 > 16371)
128 Relentless(24848 > 24720)
Relentless ൿ . (48 >>> 97/100).
5 HP !(16371 > 16376) : ڸ߻(7727 > 7722)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(16376 > 16382)
110 ڸ߻(7722 > 7612)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-166 >>> -116/100).
5 HP !(16382 > 16387) : Grand Dino(A)(27105 > 27100)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16387 > 16395)
156 Grand Dino(A)(27100 > 26944)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (22 >>> 71/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2916046/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 26944/49773
SP : 1522/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 12706/21544
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1645/20110
SP : 650/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24720/24853
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 16395/35371
SP : 347/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7612/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (12706 > 16368)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(134 >>> 104/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (650 > 699)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(108 >>> 78/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 73385 HP(24720 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1202 SP(699 > 1901)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 4977 HP ȸ (26944 > 31921)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2916046 > 2916046)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ߵƴ! !
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2916046 > 2913526)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
116 ƴ(16395 > 16279)
ƴ DEF down 10%
ƴ MDEF down 10%
104 Grand Dino(A)(31921 > 31817)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
111 ڸ߻(7612 > 7501)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
108 1(16368 > 16260)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
108 1(16260 > 16152)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (16152 > 19814)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1901 > 1950)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ!! ƴ .
0 1(19814 > 19814)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(16279 > 16284) : (1645 > 1640)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(16284 > 16292)
141 (1640 > 1499)
ൿ . (89 >>> 139/100).
5 HP !(16292 > 16297) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(16297 > 16304)
600 ݻ Relentless(16304 > 15704)
128 Relentless(24848 > 24720)
Relentless ൿ . (20 >>> 70/100).
5 HP !(15704 > 15709) : ڸ߻(7501 > 7496)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(15709 > 15715)
110 ڸ߻(7496 > 7386)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (50 >>> 99/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(31817 > 31817)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (39 >>> 89/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 84)
10 SP !(1250 > 1260) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
10 SP !(1260 > 1270) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
10 SP !(1270 > 1280) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
10 SP !(1280 > 1290) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
10 SP !(1290 > 1300) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
10 SP !(1300 > 1310) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2913526/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 31817/49773
SP : 1522/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 19814/21544
SP : 1462/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 1499/20110
SP : 1310/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24720/24853
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 15715/35371
SP : 297/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 7386/23305
SP : 2289/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (7386 > 9018)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2289 > 2579)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* 1 HP ! 3662 HP ȸ (19814 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1462 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (31817 > 39283)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24720 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2913526 > 2913526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 1165 HP ȸ (9018 > 10183)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (10183 > 11815)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (2229 > 2519)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(A)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1522) extended to 1903
1 () ȸǾ: 9598 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(2403) extended to 3004
() ȸǾ: 7998 HP(1499 > 9497)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2330) extended to 2913
Relentless () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(847) extended to 1059
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(15715 > 24063)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 50%
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(4129) extended to 5161
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8348 HP(11815 > 20163)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(1602) extended to 2003
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 7998 HP(39283 > 47281)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(A)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2913526 > 2911006)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
1869 Grand Dino(A)(47281 > 45412)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 291 SP ȸ (2189 > 2480)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2480 > 2247)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2247 > 2292) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 228 SP ȸ (1422 > 1650)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1650 > 1670)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (9497 > 10503)
* SP ! 150 SP ȸ (1310 > 1460)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (1460 > 1521)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (24063 > 25832)
* ƴ SP ! 53 SP ȸ (297 > 350)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 98)
10 SP !(821 > 831) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(831 > 841) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(841 > 851) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(851 > 861) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(861 > 871) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(871 > 881) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2911006/3683880
SP : 25695/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 45412/49773
SP : 1522/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 1520/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 10503/20110
SP : 881/3004
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 2292/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ƴ (charging)
Job : Tamer
HP : 25832/35371
SP : 350/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 20163/23305
SP : 2019/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(25832 > 25837) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(25837 > 25845)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (53 >>> 103/100).
5 HP !(25845 > 25850) : (10503 > 10498)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(25850 > 25858)
148 (10498 > 10350)
ൿ . (-9 >>> 41/100).
5 HP !(25858 > 25863) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62 HP(24848 > 24853)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62 SP(2292 > 2354)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(25863 > 25870)
600 ݻ Relentless(25870 > 25270)
134 Relentless(24853 > 24719)
Relentless ൿ . (82 >>> 132/100).
5 HP !(25270 > 25275) : ڸ߻(20163 > 20158)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(25275 > 25281)
116 ڸ߻(20158 > 20042)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-196 >>> -147/100).
5 HP !(25281 > 25286) : Grand Dino(A)(45412 > 45407)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(25286 > 25295)
164 Grand Dino(A)(45407 > 45243)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (87 >>> 136/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24719 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2354 > 2791)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2791 > 2558)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2558 > 2603) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1520 > 1844)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1844 > 1864)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(103 >>> 73/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (10350 > 11356)
* SP ! 150 SP ȸ (881 > 1031)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (1031 > 1092)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 437 SP ȸ (2603 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 112)
10 SP !(392 > 402) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(402 > 412) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(412 > 422) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(422 > 432) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(432 > 442) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25555)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(442 > 452) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25555 > 25545)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 324 SP ȸ (1804 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (25295 > 27064)
* ƴ SP ! 106 SP ȸ (300 > 406)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 1243 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2725 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(27064 > 27069) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(27069 > 27084)
282 1(21539 > 21257)
1 ൿ . (40 >>> 89/100).
5 HP !(27084 > 27089) : (11356 > 11351)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(27089 > 27097)
148 (11351 > 11203)
ൿ . (42 >>> 92/100).
5 HP !(27097 > 27102) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ SPD rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(27102 > 27109)
600 ݻ Relentless(27109 > 26509)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (22 >>> 72/100).
5 HP !(26509 > 26514) : ڸ߻(20042 > 20037)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(26514 > 26520)
116 ڸ߻(20037 > 19921)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (19 >>> 68/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(45243 > 45243)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 7466 HP ȸ (45243 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 200 SP ȸ (1522 > 1722)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2911006/3683880
SP : 25500/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 1722/2003
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21257/21544
SP : 1753/1903
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 11203/20110
SP : 452/3004
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 2725/2913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 26520/35371
SP : 356/1059
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 19921/23305
SP : 2019/5161
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* HP ! 1006 HP ȸ (11203 > 12209)
* SP ! 300 SP ȸ (452 > 752)
* SP ߻! 61 SP ȸ (752 > 813)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 4740 HP ȸ (21257 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 419 SP ȸ (1753 > 1903)
* 1 SP ߻! 20 SP ȸ (1903 > 1903)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 583 SP ȸ (2725 > 2913)
* Relentless SP ߻! -233 SP ȸ (2913 > 2680)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2680 > 2725) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25455)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (19921 > 22252)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2019 > 2535)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (22252 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (2535 > 2897)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 126)
10 SP !(113 > 123) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25455 > 25445)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(123 > 133) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25445 > 25435)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(133 > 143) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25435 > 25425)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(143 > 153) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25425 > 25415)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(153 > 163) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25415 > 25405)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
10 SP !(163 > 173) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25405 > 25395)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 516 SP ȸ (2547 > 3063)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 362 SP ȸ (3063 > 3425)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(B) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(B)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(1903) extended to 2379
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(3004) extended to 3755
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(12209 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(2913) extended to 3641
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1059) extended to 1324
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(26520 > 35044)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(5161) extended to 6451
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2003) extended to 2504
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(B)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(B) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (2725 > 3453)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3453 > 3162)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3162 > 3207) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 35225 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2911006 > 2911006)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (1803 > 2326)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2326 > 2350)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25350 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2911006 > 2908486)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Monk(H)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
87 1(21544 > 21457)
Goblin Monk(I)() ߴ.
91 (20110 > 20019)
Goblin Mage(H)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2908486 > 2907886)
82 Relentless(24853 > 24771)
Goblin Mage(I)() ߴ.
93 ƴ(35044 > 34951)
Goblin Monk(J)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
89 ڸ߻(23305 > 23216)
Goblin Mage(J)() ߴ.
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Goblin Monk(H)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(H)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(I)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Mage(J)
HP : 1950/1950
SP : 990/990
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2907886/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(I)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Monk(J)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 1722/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21457/21544
SP : 2290/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20019/20110
SP : 173/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24771/24853
SP : 3207/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34951/35371
SP : 356/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23216/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34951 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (356 > 488)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21457 > 21452)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21452 > 21311)
1 ൿ . (16 >>> 65/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20019 > 20014)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20014 > 19866)
ൿ . (84 >>> 134/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24771 > 24766)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24766 > 24632)
Relentless ൿ . (73 >>> 123/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23216 > 23211)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23211 > 23095)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-236 >>> -187/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
164 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49604)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49604 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 250 SP ȸ (1722 > 1972)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(142 >>> 41/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19866 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (173 > 549)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (549 > 625)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(134 >>> 104/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24632 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3207 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
45 SP !(3395 > 3440) : Goblin Monk(H)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13164 HP(24853 > 24853)
41136 Goblin Monk(H)(4520 > -36616)
45 SP !(3440 > 3485) : Goblin Monk(I)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12444 HP(24853 > 24853)
38885 Goblin Monk(I)(4520 > -34365)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(3485 > 3530) : Goblin Mage(H)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 29016 HP(24853 > 24853)
90675 Goblin Mage(H)(1950 > -88725)
45 SP !(3530 > 3575) : Goblin Mage(I)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(24853 > 24853)
45265 Goblin Mage(I)(1950 > -43315)
45 SP !(3575 > 3620) : Goblin Monk(J)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12444 HP(24853 > 24853)
38885 Goblin Monk(J)(4520 > -34365)
45 SP !(3620 > 3641) : Goblin Mage(J)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(24853 > 24853)
45265 Goblin Mage(J)(1950 > -43315)
Goblin Monk(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(J)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(J)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : High Mana Recharge
() ȸǾ: 1878 SP(625 > 2503)
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21311 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2290 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3641 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2503 > 2879)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2879 > 2955)
Skill : Double Casting ( 126 51 )
() ִ.
Double Casting 3.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2455 > 2831)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2831 > 2907)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 51 26 )
10 SP !(2207 > 2217) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2217 > 2227) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2227 > 2237) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2237 > 2247) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2247 > 2257) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2257 > 2267) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2267 > 2277) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
Double Casting 2.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2277 > 2653)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2653 > 2729)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 26 1 )
10 SP !(2029 > 2039) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2039 > 2049) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2049 > 2059) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2059 > 2069) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2069 > 2079) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2079 > 2089) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25580)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
10 SP !(2089 > 2099) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25580 > 25570)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
Double Casting 1.
ൿ .(0 >>> -120/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34796 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 132 SP ȸ (438 > 570)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 523 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 728 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25570 > 25525)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2907886 > 2907886)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2907886/3683880
SP : 25525/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 1972/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2379/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 2099/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3395/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
ƴ (charging)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 570/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23095/23305
SP : 2925/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (-73 >>> -23/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (11 >>> 61/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23095 > 23090)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23090 > 22974)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-31 >>> 19/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
164 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49604)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (34 >>> 83/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25525 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2907886 > 2905366)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
72 (19957 > 19885)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
66 Grand Dino(A)(49604 > 49538)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 10%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
70 ڸ߻(22974 > 22904)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49538 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 376 SP ȸ (1972 > 2348)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (22904 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 968 SP ȸ (2925 > 3893)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (3893 > 4345)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21539 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2229 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19885 > 20110)
* SP ! 563 SP ȸ (2099 > 2662)
* SP ߻! 76 SP ȸ (2662 > 2738)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34796 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 199 SP ȸ (520 > 719)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (36 >>> 86/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (79 >>> 129/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 12 HP(34776 > 34788)
231 ڸ߻(23300 > 23069)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (29 >>> 79/100).
5 HP !(34788 > 34793) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34793 > 34802)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49768)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (75 >>> 125/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49768 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 376 SP ȸ (2348 > 2504)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(125 >>> 25/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 15)
10 SP !(2038 > 2048) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
10 SP !(2048 > 2058) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2058 > 2068) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2068 > 2078) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
10 SP !(2078 > 2088) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
10 SP !(2088 > 2098) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
Double Casting !
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2905366/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A) (charging)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 2504/2504
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 2319/2379
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 2098/3755
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 3395/3641
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34802/35371
SP : 669/1324
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23069/23305
SP : 4045/6451
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 910 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2905366 > 2905366)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 642 SP ȸ (2319 > 2379)
* 1 SP ߻! 24 SP ȸ (2379 > 2379)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23069 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 968 SP ȸ (4045 > 5013)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (5013 > 5465)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2520 Ծ. (2905366 > 2902846)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(K)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
55 1(21544 > 21489)
Goblin Warrior(E)() ߴ.
57 (19957 > 19900)
Goblin Monk(K)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 Relentless(24853 > 24853)
Goblin Monk(L)() ߴ.
58 ƴ(34802 > 34744)
Goblin Monk(M)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 ڸ߻(23305 > 23249)
Goblin Monk(N)() ߴ.
53 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49720)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 2331 HP ȸ (23249 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1290 SP ȸ (5115 > 6405)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 452 SP ȸ (6405 > 6451)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1092 SP ȸ (3395 > 3641)
* Relentless SP ߻! -291 SP ȸ (3641 > 3350)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(3350 > 3395) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17547 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3395 > 3440) : Goblin Mage(K)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 63891 HP(24853 > 24853)
199658 Goblin Mage(K)(1950 > -197708)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3440 > 3485) : Goblin Warrior(E)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(E)(2670 > -130248)
45 SP !(3485 > 3530) : Goblin Monk(K)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12444 HP(24853 > 24853)
38885 Goblin Monk(K)(4520 > -34365)
0 Goblin Monk(L)(4520 > 4520)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(3530 > 3575) : Goblin Monk(M)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 54957 HP(24853 > 24853)
171740 Goblin Monk(M)(4520 > -167220)
45 SP !(3575 > 3620) : Goblin Monk(N)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12444 HP(24853 > 24853)
38885 Goblin Monk(N)(4520 > -34365)
Goblin Mage(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(E)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(M)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(N)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(C) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(C)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2379) extended to 2974
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21489 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(3755) extended to 4694
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(19900 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(3641) extended to 4551
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1324) extended to 1655
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34744 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(6451) extended to 8064
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(2504) extended to 3130
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49720 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(C)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(C) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2229 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 939 SP ȸ (2098 > 3037)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (3037 > 3131)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2902846/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(L)
HP : 4520/4520
SP : 800/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 2504/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2914/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 3131/4694
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 3620/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 35371/35371
SP : 669/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 5951/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (669 > 1000)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (3620 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25710)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4232 > 4277) : Goblin Monk(L)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 54957 HP(24853 > 24853)
171740 Goblin Monk(L)(4520 > -167220)
Goblin Monk(L)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (13 >>> 62/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (11 >>> 61/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-226 >>> -177/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
164 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49604)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (17 >>> 67/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 29)
10 SP !(2431 > 2441) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25710 > 25700)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
10 SP !(2441 > 2451) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25700 > 25690)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
10 SP !(2451 > 2461) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25690 > 25680)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
10 SP !(2461 > 2471) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25670)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
10 SP !(2471 > 2481) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25660)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
10 SP !(2481 > 2491) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25650)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4277 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 77654 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 9955 HP ȸ (49604 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (2504 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2902846 > 2902846)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2902846 > 2900206)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(F)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
55 1(21544 > 21489)
Goblin Monk(O)() ߴ.
57 (19957 > 19900)
Goblin Monk(P)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2900206 > 2899606)
52 Relentless(24853 > 24801)
Goblin Warrior(G)() ߴ.
58 ƴ(34796 > 34738)
Goblin Monk(Q)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 ڸ߻(23184 > 23128)
Goblin Monk(R)() ߴ.
53 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49720)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 2485 HP ȸ (24801 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18112 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
45 SP !(4232 > 4277) : Goblin Warrior(F)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9642 HP(24853 > 24853)
30132 Goblin Warrior(F)(2670 > -27462)
0 Goblin Monk(O)(4520 > 4520)
45 SP !(4277 > 4322) : Goblin Monk(P)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13164 HP(24853 > 24853)
41136 Goblin Monk(P)(4520 > -36616)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4322 > 4367) : Goblin Warrior(G)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(G)(2670 > -130248)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4367 > 4412) : Goblin Monk(Q)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 26388 HP(24853 > 24853)
82462 Goblin Monk(Q)(4520 > -77942)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4412 > 4457) : Goblin Monk(R)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 26388 HP(24853 > 24853)
82462 Goblin Monk(R)(4520 > -77942)
Goblin Warrior(F)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(P)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(G)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(Q)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(R)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 510 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,000() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 2011 HP ȸ (19900 > 20110)
* SP ! 939 SP ȸ (2491 > 3430)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (3430 > 3524)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (34738 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 331 SP ȸ (950 > 1281)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21489 > 21484)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21484 > 21343)
1 ൿ . (99 >>> 149/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23128 > 23123)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23123 > 23007)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-20 >>> 29/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49720 > 49720)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (29 >>> 78/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* 1 HP ! 5817 HP ȸ (21343 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2914 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(149 >>> 139/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 43)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2824 > 2834) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
10 SP !(2834 > 2844) : Goblin Monk(O)(800 > 790)
2927 Goblin Monk(O)(4520 > 1593)
10 SP !(2844 > 2854) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(2854 > 2864) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
10 SP !(2864 > 2874) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
10 SP !(2874 > 2884) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2899606/3683880
SP : 25705/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(O)
HP : 1593/4520
SP : 790/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49720/49773
SP : 3130/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
1 (casting)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2974/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 2884/4694
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 4457/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34782/35371
SP : 1231/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23007/23305
SP : 5951/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4457 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25660)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 36357 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
0 Goblin Monk(O)(1593 > 1593)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49720 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 626 SP ȸ (3130 > 3130)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (23007 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 1613 SP ȸ (5951 > 7564)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (7564 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1365 SP ȸ (4232 > 4551)
* Relentless SP ߻! -364 SP ȸ (4551 > 4187)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(4187 > 4232) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25660 > 25615)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 81924 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2899606 > 2899606)
0 Goblin Monk(O)(1593 > 1593)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25615 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2899606 > 2896966)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
1176 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 48597)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 952 SP ȸ (2874 > 2974)
* 1 SP ߻! 30 SP ȸ (2974 > 2974)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 3017 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (2884 > 4058)
* SP ߻! 94 SP ȸ (4058 > 4152)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- Goblin Monk(O)
Skill : Armor Break
Grand Dino(A)() Relentless() ״!
Goblin Monk(O) Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(48597 > 48597)
Grand Dino(A) DEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF down 30%
Goblin Monk(O) ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 3496 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 2016 SP ȸ (7714 > 8064)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 565 SP ȸ (8064 > 8064)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(D) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2896966/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Monk(O)
HP : 1593/4520
SP : 760/800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 48597/49773
SP : 3100/3130
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(D)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 2824/2974
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 4152/4694
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 4232/4551
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34782/35371
SP : 1231/1655
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 7564/8064
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(D)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(2974) extended to 3718
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(4694) extended to 5868
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(20110 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(4551) extended to 5689
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(1655) extended to 2069
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34782 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MAXSP(8064) extended to 10080
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3130) extended to 3913
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(48597 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(D)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(D) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 517 SP ȸ (1231 > 1748)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (4232 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 81924 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
0 Goblin Monk(O)(1593 > 1593)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (56 >>> 106/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (11 >>> 61/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-276 >>> -226/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (71 >>> 120/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 57)
10 SP !(3452 > 3462) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(3462 > 3472) : Goblin Monk(O)(760 > 750)
2970 Goblin Monk(O)(1593 > -1377)
10 SP !(3472 > 3482) : Goblin Monk(O)(750 > 740)
2972 Goblin Monk(O)(-1377 > -4349)
10 SP !(3482 > 3492) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(3492 > 3502) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(3502 > 3512) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Goblin Monk(O)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 102 ġ .
mongsil() $ 200() .
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 978 SP ȸ (3100 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (2824 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(106 >>> 76/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25670)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 81924 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 1991 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25670 > 25625)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 81924 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1376 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* HP ! 3017 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 1467 SP ȸ (3512 > 4979)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (4979 > 5097)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 5306 HP ȸ (34782 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (1698 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
282 1(21539 > 21257)
1 ൿ . (33 >>> 82/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23184 > 23179)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23179 > 23063)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-70 >>> -21/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49768)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2896966/3683880
SP : 25625/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49768/49773
SP : 3913/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21257/21544
SP : 3568/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 5097/5868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 5279/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34796/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23063/23305
SP : 7564/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 12443 HP ȸ (49768 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3913 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 71)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(4397 > 4407) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25625 > 25615)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(4407 > 4417) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25615 > 25605)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(4417 > 4427) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(4427 > 4437) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(4437 > 4447) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
10 SP !(4447 > 4457) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 3728 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25520)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18678 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 6894 HP ȸ (21257 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3568 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25520 > 25475)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37489 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2896966 > 2896966)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 1760 SP ȸ (4457 > 5868)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (5868 > 5868)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3618 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23063 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (7564 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
* ƴ HP ! 7074 HP ȸ (34796 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 621 SP ȸ (2019 > 2069)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25475 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2896966 > 2894326)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(H)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
55 1(21544 > 21489)
Goblin Warrior(I)() ߴ.
57 (20110 > 20053)
Goblin Monk(S)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2894326 > 2893726)
52 Relentless(24853 > 24801)
Goblin Mage(L)() ߴ.
ġŸ! 1.1!
ġŸ !
ƴ HP !
64 ƴ(35371 > 35307)
Goblin Warrior(J)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 ڸ߻(23305 > 23249)
Goblin Monk(T)() ߴ.
53 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49720)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24801 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37489 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5279 > 5324) : Goblin Warrior(H)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(H)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5324 > 5369) : Goblin Warrior(I)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(I)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5369 > 5414) : Goblin Monk(S)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 58127 HP(24853 > 24853)
181644 Goblin Monk(S)(4520 > -177124)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(5414 > 5459) : Goblin Mage(L)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 29016 HP(24853 > 24853)
90675 Goblin Mage(L)(1950 > -88725)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5459 > 5504) : Goblin Warrior(J)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(J)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(5504 > 5549) : Goblin Monk(T)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 54957 HP(24853 > 24853)
171740 Goblin Monk(T)(4520 > -167220)
Goblin Warrior(H)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(I)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(S)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(L)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(J)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(T)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35307 > 35312) : 1(21489 > 21484)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35312 > 35320)
141 1(21484 > 21343)
1 ൿ . (9 >>> 59/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35320 > 35325) : (20053 > 20048)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35325 > 35340)
295 (20048 > 19753)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35340 > 35345) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35345 > 35352)
600 ݻ Relentless(35352 > 34752)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (11 >>> 61/100).
5 HP !(34752 > 34757) : ڸ߻(23249 > 23244)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34757 > 34763)
116 ڸ߻(23244 > 23128)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-10 >>> 39/100).
5 HP !(34763 > 34768) : Grand Dino(A)(49720 > 49715)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34768 > 34777)
164 Grand Dino(A)(49715 > 49551)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2893726/3683880
SP : 25755/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49551/49773
SP : 3883/3913
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21343/21544
SP : 3658/3718
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19753/20110
SP : 5868/5868
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 5549/5689
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34777/35371
SP : 2019/2069
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23128/23305
SP : 9780/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49551 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1174 SP ȸ (3883 > 3913)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 85)
10 SP !(5168 > 5178) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5178 > 5188) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5188 > 5198) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5198 > 5208) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5208 > 5218) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5218 > 5228) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5549 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18678 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21343 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1562 SP ȸ (3658 > 3718)
* 1 SP ߻! 38 SP ȸ (3718 > 3718)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23128 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9780 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 2276 SP ȸ (5279 > 5689)
* Relentless SP ߻! -455 SP ȸ (5689 > 5234)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(5234 > 5279) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18678 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 3024 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19753 > 20110)
* SP ! 1760 SP ȸ (5228 > 5868)
* SP ߻! 118 SP ȸ (5868 > 5868)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(E) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(E)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(3718) extended to 4648
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(5868) extended to 7335
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(20110 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(5689) extended to 7111
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2069) extended to 2586
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34777 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(3913) extended to 4891
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(E)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(E) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ SP ! 776 SP ȸ (2019 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (95 >>> 145/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ SPD rise 15%
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (92 >>> 142/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (62 >>> 112/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-266 >>> -216/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (92 >>> 141/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2893726/3683880
SP : 25605/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 3913/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 3658/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection (casting)
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 5868/7335
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24714/24853
SP : 5279/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34782/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23184/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1467 SP ȸ (3913 > 4891)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(142 >>> 41/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 99)
10 SP !(5168 > 5178) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25605 > 25595)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5178 > 5188) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25595 > 25585)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5188 > 5198) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25585 > 25575)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5198 > 5208) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25575 > 25565)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5208 > 5218) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25565 > 25555)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
10 SP !(5218 > 5228) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25555 > 25545)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 1952 SP ȸ (3658 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(145 >>> 135/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (5279 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 82635 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2893726 > 2893726)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25500 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2640 Ծ. (2893726 > 2891086)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Mage(M)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
55 1(21544 > 21489)
Goblin Monk(U)() ߴ.
57 (19957 > 19900)
Goblin Warrior(K)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2891086 > 2890486)
52 Relentless(24853 > 24801)
Goblin Warrior(L)() ߴ.
58 ƴ(34782 > 34724)
Goblin Warrior(M)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 ڸ߻(23184 > 23128)
Goblin Monk(V)() ߴ.
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24801 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6588 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18678 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
45 SP !(6588 > 6633) : Goblin Mage(M)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 14485 HP(24853 > 24853)
45265 Goblin Mage(M)(1950 > -43315)
45 SP !(6633 > 6678) : Goblin Monk(U)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 13164 HP(24853 > 24853)
41136 Goblin Monk(U)(4520 > -36616)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6678 > 6723) : Goblin Warrior(K)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(K)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6723 > 6768) : Goblin Warrior(L)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(L)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
ġŸ !
45 SP !(6768 > 6813) : Goblin Warrior(M)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 42534 HP(24853 > 24853)
132918 Goblin Warrior(M)(2670 > -130248)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6813 > 6858) : Goblin Monk(V)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 58127 HP(24853 > 24853)
181644 Goblin Monk(V)(4520 > -177124)
Goblin Mage(M)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(U)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(K)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(L)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(M)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(V)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21489 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19900 > 20110)
* SP ! 2567 SP ȸ (5228 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ SP ! 905 SP ȸ (2536 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(34724 > 34729) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(34729 > 34737)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (27 >>> 76/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34737 > 34742) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(34742 > 34757)
295 (20105 > 19810)
ൿ . (84 >>> 133/100).
5 HP !(34757 > 34762) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(34762 > 34769)
600 ݻ Relentless(34769 > 34169)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34169 > 34174) : ڸ߻(23128 > 23123)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34174 > 34180)
116 ڸ߻(23123 > 23007)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-69 >>> -19/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (28 >>> 78/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 113)
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3200 SP ȸ (6858 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 82635 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2890486/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 4588/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19810/20110
SP : 6695/7335
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 6588/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34180/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23007/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2185 SP ȸ (4588 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 1956 SP ȸ (4891 > 4891)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Poison Acid Breath
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2890486 > 2890486)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 35%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ȮǾ!( + 100)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25650 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2890486 > 2887726)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Rampage
600 ݻ Relentless(2887726 > 2887126)
65 Relentless(24853 > 24788)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
68 1(21544 > 21476)
1 DEF down 10%
1 MDEF down 10%
72 (19810 > 19738)
DEF down 10%
MDEF down 10%
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
70 ڸ߻(23007 > 22937)
ڸ߻ DEF down 10%
ڸ߻ MDEF down 10%
600 ݻ Relentless(2887126 > 2886526)
65 Relentless(24788 > 24723)
Relentless DEF down 10%
Relentless MDEF down 10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24723 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6588 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (19738 > 20110)
* SP ! 2934 SP ȸ (6695 > 7335)
* SP ߻! 147 SP ȸ (7335 > 7335)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (22937 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9580 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21476 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 2417 SP ȸ (4498 > 4648)
* 1 SP ߻! 47 SP ȸ (4648 > 4648)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* ƴ SP ! 1034 SP ȸ (2536 > 2586)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(34180 > 34185) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(34185 > 34193)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 ൿ . (93 >>> 143/100).
5 HP !(34193 > 34198) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(34198 > 34206)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (84 >>> 133/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(34206 > 34211) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 14 HP(34211 > 34225)
600 ݻ Relentless(34225 > 33625)
268 Relentless(24848 > 24580)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(33625 > 33630) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(33630 > 33636)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (72 >>> 121/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (35 >>> 84/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 127)
10 SP !(6635 > 6645) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
10 SP !(6645 > 6655) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
10 SP !(6655 > 6665) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
10 SP !(6665 > 6675) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
10 SP !(6675 > 6685) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
10 SP !(6685 > 6695) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24580 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 3556 SP ȸ (6588 > 7111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -568 SP ȸ (7111 > 6543)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(6543 > 6588) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 4661 HP ȸ (23184 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4032 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(122 >>> 116/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(F) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2886526/3683880
SP : 25650/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 4891/4891
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21539/21544
SP : 4588/4648
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 6695/7335
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 6588/7111
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 33636/35371
SP : 2536/2586
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(F)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Arch Angel(F)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(4648) extended to 5810
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21539 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(7335) extended to 9169
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(19957 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(7111) extended to 8889
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(2586) extended to 3233
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(33636 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(4891) extended to 6114
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(F)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(F) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 14932 HP ȸ (49773 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 2446 SP ȸ (4891 > 6114)
Grand Dino(A)() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (6588 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25605)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2886526 > 2886526)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (4588 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25605 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2886526 > 2883766)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(N)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
55 1(21544 > 21489)
Goblin Monk(W)() ߴ.
57 (20110 > 20053)
Goblin Monk(X)() ߴ.
600 ݻ Relentless(2883766 > 2883166)
52 Relentless(24853 > 24801)
Goblin Monk(Y)() ߴ.
58 ƴ(35371 > 35313)
Goblin Warrior(O)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
56 ڸ߻(23305 > 23249)
Goblin Monk(Z)() ߴ.
53 Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49720)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20053 > 20110)
* SP ! 3668 SP ȸ (6695 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
Skill : Double Casting ( 127 52 )
() ִ.
Double Casting 3.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 3668 SP ȸ (8669 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 52 27 )
10 SP !(8469 > 8479) : Goblin Warrior(N)(550 > 540)
Goblin Warrior(N) STR down 5%
Goblin Warrior(N) INT down 5%
Goblin Warrior(N) DEX down 5%
13003 Goblin Warrior(N)(2670 > -10333)
Ҵ! 2!
10 SP !(8479 > 8489) : Goblin Warrior(O)(550 > 540)
Goblin Warrior(O) STR down 5%
Goblin Warrior(O) INT down 5%
Goblin Warrior(O) DEX down 5%
14904 Goblin Warrior(O)(2670 > -12234)
10 SP !(8489 > 8499) : Goblin Warrior(O)(540 > 530)
Goblin Warrior(O) STR down 5%
Goblin Warrior(O) INT down 5%
Goblin Warrior(O) DEX down 5%
8138 Goblin Warrior(O)(-12234 > -20372)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(8499 > 8509) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2883166 > 2883166)
10 SP !(8509 > 8519) : Goblin Monk(X)(800 > 790)
Goblin Monk(X) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(X) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(X) DEX down 5%
7580 Goblin Monk(X)(4520 > -3060)
10 SP !(8519 > 8529) : Goblin Monk(Y)(800 > 790)
Goblin Monk(Y) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(Y) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(Y) DEX down 5%
7582 Goblin Monk(Y)(4520 > -3062)
10 SP !(8529 > 8539) : Goblin Monk(Y)(790 > 780)
Goblin Monk(Y) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(Y) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(Y) DEX down 5%
7583 Goblin Monk(Y)(-3062 > -10645)
Goblin Warrior(N)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(X)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(Y)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(O)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 408 ġ .
mongsil() $ 800() .
Double Casting 2.
ൿ .( Double Spell )(0 >>> 500/100)
* HP ! 4022 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 3668 SP ȸ (8539 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(500 >>> 450/100)
Skill : Lightning Vortex ( 27 2 )
10 SP !(8469 > 8479) : Goblin Monk(W)(800 > 790)
Goblin Monk(W) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) DEX down 5%
7574 Goblin Monk(W)(4520 > -3054)
10 SP !(8479 > 8489) : Goblin Monk(Z)(800 > 790)
Goblin Monk(Z) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) DEX down 5%
7575 Goblin Monk(Z)(4520 > -3055)
10 SP !(8489 > 8499) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
α и Ƴִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 5%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 5%
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2883166 > 2883166)
Goblin Monk(W) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) DEX down 5%
0 Goblin Monk(W)(-3054 > -3054)
10 SP !(8499 > 8509) : Goblin Monk(Z)(790 > 780)
Goblin Monk(Z) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) DEX down 5%
7578 Goblin Monk(Z)(-3055 > -10633)
10 SP !(8509 > 8519) : Goblin Monk(W)(790 > 780)
Goblin Monk(W) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(W) DEX down 5%
7580 Goblin Monk(W)(-3054 > -10634)
Goblin Monk(Z) STR down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) INT down 5%
Goblin Monk(Z) DEX down 5%
0 Goblin Monk(Z)(-10633 > -10633)
Goblin Monk(W)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(Z)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 204 ġ .
mongsil() $ 400() .
Double Casting 1.
ൿ .(0 >>> -120/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ SP ! 1293 SP ȸ (2536 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35313 > 35318) : 1(21489 > 21484)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35318 > 35326)
141 1(21484 > 21343)
1 ൿ . (27 >>> 76/100).
5 HP !(35326 > 35331) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35331 > 35339)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (-91 >>> -42/100).
5 HP !(35339 > 35344) : Relentless(24801 > 24796)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35344 > 35351)
600 ݻ Relentless(35351 > 34751)
134 Relentless(24796 > 24662)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34751 > 34756) : ڸ߻(23249 > 23244)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34756 > 34762)
116 ڸ߻(23244 > 23128)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-153 >>> -104/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49720 > 49720)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (71 >>> 121/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Kill Bite
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2883166 > 2883166)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2883166/3683880
SP : 25780/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49720/49773
SP : 6114/6114
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21343/21544
SP : 5750/5810
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 8519/9169
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24662/24853
SP : 8223/8889
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34762/35371
SP : 3183/3233
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23128/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless HP ! 4971 HP ȸ (24662 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25735)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37813 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2883166 > 2883166)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 7971 HP ȸ (21343 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (5750 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4445 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25690)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2883166 > 2883166)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 9048 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3021 SP ȸ (5710 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (34762 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1455 SP ȸ (3183 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25690 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2883166 > 2880406)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Kill Bite
Grand Dino(A)() ڸ߻() ״!
1096 Grand Dino(A)(49720 > 48624)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -100/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (13 >>> 63/100).
Ҵ! 2!
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (19957 > 19952)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 15 HP(35371 > 35371)
295 (19952 > 19657)
ൿ . (97 >>> 147/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23128 > 23123)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23123 > 23007)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (43 >>> 93/100).
ƴ Ǿ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(48624 > 48624)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (86 >>> 136/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 17421 HP ȸ (48624 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 2751 SP ȸ (6114 > 6114)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 5028 HP ȸ (19657 > 20110)
* SP ! 4126 SP ȸ (8519 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(147 >>> 102/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4889 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37813 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 16)
10 SP !(8469 > 8479) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25755 > 25745)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8479 > 8489) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25745 > 25735)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8489 > 8499) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25735 > 25725)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8499 > 8509) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8509 > 8519) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8519 > 8529) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Double Casting !
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 5826 HP ȸ (23007 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4536 SP ȸ (9580 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2880406/3683880
SP : 25695/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 6114/6114
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21398/21544
SP : 5660/5810
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 20110/20110
SP : 8529/9169
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 8223/8889
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34782/35371
SP : 3183/3233
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9780/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* 1 HP ! 9048 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3312 SP ȸ (5660 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
- 1
Skill : Protection Field
1 DEF rise 35%
DEF rise 35%
Relentless DEF rise 35%
ƴ DEF rise 35%
ڸ߻ DEF rise 35%
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 35%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4889 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25650)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 5028 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 4126 SP ȸ (8529 > 9169)
* SP ߻! 184 SP ȸ (9169 > 9169)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 1769 HP ȸ (34782 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 1455 SP ȸ (3183 > 3233)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
1() ִ!
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(21539 > 21539)
1 ൿ . (90 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (84 >>> 133/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (94 >>> 144/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49768)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (86 >>> 136/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 17421 HP ȸ (49768 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 2751 SP ȸ (6114 > 6114)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Ground Strike
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ . (-17 >>> -47/100).
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 5826 HP ȸ (23184 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 4536 SP ȸ (9780 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(144 >>> 138/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* 1 HP ! 9048 HP ȸ (21539 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 3312 SP ȸ (5750 > 5810)
* 1 SP ߻! 59 SP ȸ (5810 > 5810)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(140 >>> 130/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 30)
10 SP !(8469 > 8479) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25650 > 25640)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8479 > 8489) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25640 > 25630)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8489 > 8499) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25630 > 25620)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8499 > 8509) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25620 > 25610)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8509 > 8519) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25610 > 25600)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(8519 > 8529) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25600 > 25590)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 4889 SP ȸ (8223 > 8889)
* Relentless SP ߻! -711 SP ȸ (8889 > 8178)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(8178 > 8223) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25590 > 25545)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 37813 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- 1
Skill : Mana Regen
1 SP ! +5%
SP ! +5%
Relentless SP ! +5%
ƴ SP ! +5%
ڸ߻ SP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) SP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ! 5826 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ! 5040 SP ȸ (9730 > 10080)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 1632 HP ȸ (23305 > 23305)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 706 SP ȸ (10080 > 10080)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 95/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Arch Angel
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 4
Arch Angel(G) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -300/100)
- Arch Angel(G)
Skill : Shout

ູ !
Arch Angel(G) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 2880406/3683880
SP : 25545/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 815/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 715/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 49773/49773
SP : 6114/6114
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 21544/21544
SP : 5660/5810
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 19957/20110
SP : 8529/9169
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 24853/24853
SP : 8223/8889
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 34796/35371
SP : 3183/3233
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 23305/23305
SP : 9580/10080
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Arch Angel(G)
HP : 17087/17087
SP : 17087/17087
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Arch Angel(G)
Skill : Holy Fortune
1 MAXSP(5810) extended to 7263
1 () ȸǾ: 9809 HP(21544 > 21544)
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
1 DEF rise 25%
1 MDEF rise 25%
MAXSP(9169) extended to 11461
() ȸǾ: 8174 HP(19957 > 20110)
STR rise to the maximum(500%).
INT rise to the maximum(500%).
DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
DEF rise 25%
MDEF rise 25%
Relentless MAXSP(8889) extended to 11111
Relentless () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(24853 > 24853)
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEF rise 25%
Relentless MDEF rise 25%
ƴ MAXSP(3233) extended to 4041
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(34796 > 35371)
ƴ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEF rise 25%
ƴ MDEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ () ȸǾ: 8524 HP(23305 > 23305)
ڸ߻ STR rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
ڸ߻ DEF rise 25%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MAXSP(6114) extended to 7643
Grand Dino(A) () ȸǾ: 8174 HP(49773 > 49773)
Grand Dino(A) STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise to the maximum(500%).
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 25%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 25%
Arch Angel(G)() ҸϿ.
Arch Angel(G) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 6213 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 6667 SP ȸ (8223 > 11111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -888 SP ȸ (11111 > 10223)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(10223 > 10268) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25545 > 25500)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 9048 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 4503 SP ȸ (5660 > 7263)
* 1 SP ߻! 73 SP ȸ (7263 > 7263)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- 1
Skill : Regeneration
1 HP ! +5%
HP ! +5%
Relentless HP ! +5%
ƴ HP ! +5%
ڸ߻ HP ! +5%
Grand Dino(A) HP ! +5%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 6033 HP ȸ (20110 > 20110)
* SP ! 5731 SP ȸ (8529 > 11461)
* SP ߻! 230 SP ȸ (11461 > 11461)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* ƴ HP ! 3537 HP ȸ (35371 > 35371)
* ƴ SP ! 2021 SP ȸ (3183 > 4041)
ƴ() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Whipping(Seal)
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : 1(21544 > 21539)
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
141 1(21539 > 21398)
1 ൿ . (47 >>> 96/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : (20110 > 20105)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 8 HP(35371 > 35371)
148 (20105 > 19957)
ൿ . (84 >>> 133/100).
5 HP !(35371 > 35371) : Relentless(24853 > 24848)
ƴ () ȸǾ: 7 HP(35371 > 35371)
600 ݻ Relentless(35371 > 34771)
134 Relentless(24848 > 24714)
Relentless ൿ . (91 >>> 140/100).
5 HP !(34771 > 34776) : ڸ߻(23305 > 23300)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
20% ! [Ÿ:user]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 6 HP(34776 > 34782)
116 ڸ߻(23300 > 23184)
ڸ߻ ൿ . (-208 >>> -159/100).
5 HP !(34782 > 34787) : Grand Dino(A)(49773 > 49768)
25% ! [Ÿ:Beast]
ƴ () ȸǾ: 9 HP(34787 > 34796)
164 Grand Dino(A)(49768 > 49604)
Grand Dino(A) ൿ . (36 >>> 86/100).
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -30/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 44)
10 SP !(10761 > 10771) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25500 > 25490)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(10771 > 10781) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25490 > 25480)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(10781 > 10791) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25480 > 25470)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(10791 > 10801) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25470 > 25460)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
10 SP !(10801 > 10811) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25460 > 25450)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(10811 > 10821) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25450 > 25440)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless HP ! 7456 HP ȸ (24714 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 6667 SP ȸ (10268 > 11111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -888 SP ȸ (11111 > 10223)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(10223 > 10268) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25440 > 25395)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 10126 HP ȸ (21398 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 4503 SP ȸ (7163 > 7263)
* 1 SP ߻! 73 SP ȸ (7263 > 7263)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 19909 HP ȸ (49604 > 49773)
* Grand Dino(A) SP ! 3822 SP ȸ (6114 > 7643)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Force Shield
1 MDEF rise 30%
MDEF rise 30%
Relentless MDEF rise 30%
ƴ MDEF rise 30%
ڸ߻ MDEF rise 30%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 30%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless HP ! 7456 HP ȸ (24853 > 24853)
* Relentless SP ! 6667 SP ȸ (10268 > 11111)
* Relentless SP ߻! -888 SP ȸ (11111 > 10223)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(10223 > 10268) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25395 > 25350)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(24853 > 24853)
α и Ƴִ!
0 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(2880406 > 2880406)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* HP ! 6033 HP ȸ (19957 > 20110)
* SP ! 5731 SP ȸ (10821 > 11461)
* SP ߻! 230 SP ȸ (11461 > 11461)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 10126 HP ȸ (21544 > 21544)
* 1 SP ! 4503 SP ȸ (7203 > 7263)
* 1 SP ߻! 73 SP ȸ (7263 > 7263)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25350 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 2760 Ծ. (2880406 > 2877646)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Battle End
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
Raid - ð() ¸ߴ!
HP : 2877646/3996660
: 1/50
: 12246
HP : 0/0
: 0/6
: 5227043
: 240/600
ȹ ġ : 33940
ȹ Funds : $ 16,560
žӽ :+912

žӽ :-5204

5227043 ( : 6735046)