α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
07/13 21:54:11
Raid - ð
հ : 116
: 38.7
HP : 3841680/3841680
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36758/36758
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 3683880/3683880
SP : 25800/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 78900/78900
SP : 1000/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/3859
SP : 1522/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 2425/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2330/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 17686/17686
SP : 847/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5620/5620
SP : 4129/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
Relentless SP ! +10%
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4501 HP(7168 > 7168)
14064 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(3683880 > 3669816)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17188 HP(7168 > 7168)
53712 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(78900 > 25188)
ġŸ! 3.9!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(1000 > 955)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 17188 HP(7168 > 7168)
53712 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(78900 > 25188)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubHatchet
Relentless ATK rise 88
Relentless ATK rise 65
Relentless DEF rise 214
Relentless MDEF rise 267
: Axe
Relentless ATK rise 644
Relentless ATK rise 255
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Field Battle

ִ , , ¦! Ķ! ϴ ༮ θ ڻ쳻ش!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Shield Throw

̷ д ̻ ʿ!! ̷ ̻!! Ѱ̴-!!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() и !
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK rise 25%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK rise 25%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF rise 50%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF rise 50%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR rise 50%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT rise 50%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX rise 50%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD rise 50%
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
647 1(3859 > 3212)
1189 (2425 > 1236)
600 ݻ Relentless(402861 > 402261)
937 Relentless(7168 > 6231)
1748 ƴ(17686 > 15938)
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
2174 ڸ߻(5620 > 3446)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (3446 > 3840)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (4129 > 4129)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
Skill : Spell Focus
() ӽ״!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Double Magic Circle
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x2
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -40/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Call:Grand Dino
߼ +50%!
߼ ߷ +18%!
Grand Dino(A)() ߴ!
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -150/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 HP ! +17%
1 SP ! +12%
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21488 HP(6231 > 7168)
67150 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(402261 > 335111)
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4763 HP(7168 > 7168)
14885 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(25188 > 10303)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Battle Tank(B)(955 > 910)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20958 HP(7168 > 7168)
65491 Goblin Battle Tank(B)(25188 > -40303)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(B) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Stomp
1() ִ!
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 1(3212 > 3212)
302 (1236 > 934)
2% ! [Ÿ:Hybrid]
600 ݻ Relentless(335111 > 334511)
267 Relentless(7168 > 6901)
307 ƴ(15938 > 15631)
298 ڸ߻(3840 > 3542)
830 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 13573)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 1615 HP(334511 > 336126)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) () ȸǾ: 1615 HP(10303 > 11918)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 336126/3683880
SP : 25770/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 11918/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 13573/14403
SP : 1602/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3212/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 934/2425
SP : 2403/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 6901/7168
SP : 2279/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 15631/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 3542/5620
SP : 3829/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Goblin Battle Tank(A)
Skill : Attack
Grand Dino(A)() () ״!
38 Grand Dino(A)(13573 > 13535)
Goblin Battle Tank(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (2403 > 2403)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2279 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 4884 HP(6901 > 7168)
15262 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(336126 > 320864)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Battle Tank(A)(910 > 865)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 20958 HP(7168 > 7168)
65491 Goblin Battle Tank(A)(11918 > -53573)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)() ߴ.(TP )
Goblin Battle Tank(A) TP down -10%
Ƽ(5) 640 ġ .
mongsil() $ 2,880() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3212 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (3542 > 3936)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3829 > 4119)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 1
ڸ߻() ׷ȴ! x4
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25725 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 14)
ġŸ! 3!
10 SP !(1703 > 1713) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
5265 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(320864 > 315599)
10 SP !(1713 > 1723) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
1638 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(315599 > 313961)
10 SP !(1723 > 1733) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
1638 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(313961 > 312323)
10 SP !(1733 > 1743) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
4475 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(312323 > 307848)
10 SP !(1743 > 1753) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
1639 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(307848 > 306209)
10 SP !(1753 > 1763) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
1639 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(306209 > 304570)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Full Asist
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR ִġԴϴ(1173).
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD rise 40
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25640 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Darkness
201 1(3859 > 3658)
201 (934 > 733)
2% ! [Ÿ:Magic]
600 ݻ Relentless(304570 > 303970)
178 Relentless(7168 > 6990)
205 ƴ(15631 > 15426)
199 ڸ߻(3936 > 3737)
184 Grand Dino(A)(13535 > 13351)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 1440 HP ȸ (13351 > 14403)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Hardness
Grand Dino(A)() ܴ!
Grand Dino(A) DEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) MDEF rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD down 25%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2234 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25680 > 25635)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 21488 HP(6990 > 7168)
67150 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(303970 > 236820)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* ڸ߻ HP ߻! 394 HP ȸ (3737 > 4131)
* ڸ߻ SP ߻! 290 SP ȸ (3769 > 4059)
ڸ߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- ڸ߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
ڸ߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
ڸ߻ ൿ .(0 >>> -400/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 236820/3683880
SP : 25635/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 14403/14403
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3658/3859
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 733/2425
SP : 1763/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 7168/7168
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 15426/17686
SP : 497/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 4131/5620
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
HP : 15448/15448
SP : 15448/15448
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
1291 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(236820 > 235529)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
1859 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(235529 > 233670)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
2296 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(233670 > 231374)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon STR down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon INT down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEX down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon LUK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SPD down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MATK down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 20%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25635 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Goblin Throw

Goblin Warrior(A)() ߴ.
5% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
251 1(3658 > 3407)
Goblin Warrior(B)() ߴ.
291 (733 > 442)
Goblin Warrior(C)() ߴ.
! 5% ߴ.
Relentless () ȸǾ: 119 HP(7168 > 7168)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 119 SP(2189 > 2308)
600 ݻ Relentless(231374 > 230774)
238 Relentless(7168 > 6930)
Goblin Warrior(D)() ߴ.
Ҵ!! Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon .
0 ƴ(15426 > 15426)
Goblin Monk(A)() ߴ.
1% ! [Ÿ:Physical]
258 ڸ߻(4131 > 3873)
Goblin Mage(A)() ߴ.
ܴ δ! -50% .
121 Grand Dino(A)(14403 > 14282)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25800 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(150 >>> 147/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Party Heal
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(230774 > 231799)
Goblin Warrior(A) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(2670 > 2670)
Goblin Warrior(B) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(2670 > 2670)
Goblin Warrior(C) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(2670 > 2670)
Goblin Warrior(D) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(2670 > 2670)
Goblin Monk(A) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(4520 > 4520)
Goblin Mage(A) () ȸǾ: 1025 HP(1950 > 1950)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2308 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25725)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9282 HP(6930 > 7168)
29006 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(231799 > 202793)
Ҵ! 2!
45 SP !(2189 > 2234) : Goblin Warrior(A)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 18840 HP(7168 > 7168)
58873 Goblin Warrior(A)(2670 > -56203)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2234 > 2279) : Goblin Warrior(B)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 41485 HP(7168 > 7168)
129639 Goblin Warrior(B)(2670 > -126969)
45 SP !(2279 > 2324) : Goblin Warrior(C)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(7168 > 7168)
29387 Goblin Warrior(C)(2670 > -26717)
45 SP !(2324 > 2330) : Goblin Warrior(D)(550 > 505)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9404 HP(7168 > 7168)
29387 Goblin Warrior(D)(2670 > -26717)
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Monk(A)(800 > 755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 12795 HP(7168 > 7168)
39982 Goblin Monk(A)(4520 > -35462)
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2330 > 2330) : Goblin Mage(A)(990 > 945)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 62054 HP(7168 > 7168)
193918 Goblin Mage(A)(1950 > -191968)
Goblin Warrior(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(B)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(C)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Warrior(D)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Monk(A)() ҸϿ.
Goblin Mage(A)() ҸϿ.
Ƽ(5) 612 ġ .
mongsil() $ 1,200() .
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1763 > 1812)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 656 HP ȸ (3407 > 3859)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(3859) extended to 7396
MAXHP(2425) extended to 5962
Relentless MAXHP(7168) extended to 10705
ƴ MAXHP(17686) extended to 21223
ڸ߻ MAXHP(5620) extended to 9157
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(14403) extended to 21477
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 28)
10 SP !(1112 > 1122) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25725 > 25715)
2408 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(202793 > 200385)
10 SP !(1122 > 1132) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25715 > 25705)
2408 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(200385 > 197977)
10 SP !(1132 > 1142) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25705 > 25695)
2409 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(197977 > 195568)
10 SP !(1142 > 1152) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25695 > 25685)
4519 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(195568 > 191049)
10 SP !(1152 > 1162) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25685 > 25675)
2410 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(191049 > 188639)
10 SP !(1162 > 1172) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25675 > 25665)
2411 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(188639 > 186228)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2148 HP ȸ (14282 > 16430)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Guard
Grand Dino(A)() ִ!
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- 1
Skill : Inner Fire
1 STR rise to the maximum(500%).
1 INT rise 20%
1 DEX rise 20%
1 SPD rise 20%
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
Relentless STR rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless INT rise to the maximum(500%).
Relentless DEX rise 20%
Relentless SPD rise 20%
ƴ STR rise 20%
ƴ INT rise to the maximum(500%).
ƴ DEX rise 20%
ƴ SPD rise 20%
ڸ߻ STR rise 20%
ڸ߻ INT rise 20%
ڸ߻ DEX rise 20%
ڸ߻ SPD rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) STR rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) INT rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) DEX rise 20%
Grand Dino(A) SPD rise 20%
1 ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2330 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25665 > 25620)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 9282 HP(7168 > 10705)
29006 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(186228 > 157222)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Rank : BOSS
HP : 157222/3683880
SP : 25620/25800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Goblin Battle Tank(A)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 865/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Goblin Battle Tank(B)
HP : 0/78900
SP : 910/1000
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
Grand Dino(A)
HP : 16430/21477
SP : 1552/1602
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 3859/7396
SP : 1447/1522
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
The Magnus's Selection
Job : Spell Master
HP : 442/5962
SP : 1172/2403
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Relentless The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Snow Witch
HP : 10705/10705
SP : 2189/2330
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Tamer
HP : 15426/21223
SP : 477/847
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 3873/9157
SP : 3059/4129
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25620 > 25800)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Charge Attack
Grand Dino(A)() () ״!
ܴ δ! -50% .
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 Grand Dino(A)(16430 > 16430)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon moved to front.
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .( Double Move )(0 >>> 150/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25790 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ڼ ִ...(100%)(150 >>> 70/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
ġŸ! 4.4!
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25755)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 39328 HP(10705 > 10705)
122900 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(157222 > 34322)
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
- Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon
Skill : Charge
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ִ!
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (25755 > 25800)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 20/100)
* SP ߻! 49 SP ȸ (1172 > 1221)
() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 55/100)
* 1 HP ! 1257 HP ȸ (3859 > 5116)
* 1 SP ! 183 SP ȸ (1447 > 1522)
* 1 SP ߻! 16 SP ȸ (1522 > 1522)
1() ֹ ִܿ...(100%)(100 >>> 50/100)
ƴ() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> 90/100)
- ƴ
Skill : Dragon Meat(Gold)
1 MAXHP(7396) extended to 10933
MAXHP(5962) extended to 9499
Relentless MAXHP(10705) extended to 14242
ƴ MAXHP(21223) extended to 24760
ڸ߻ MAXHP(9157) extended to 12694
Grand Dino(A) MAXHP(21477) extended to 28551
ƴ ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Grand Dino(A) HP ! 2855 HP ȸ (16430 > 19285)
- Grand Dino(A)
Skill : Armor Bite
303 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(34322 > 34019)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon DEF down 30%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon MDEF down 30%
Grand Dino(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Thunder Storm
Ư ī 14 ȸ (: 42)
10 SP !(521 > 531) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25800 > 25790)
2692 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(34019 > 31327)
10 SP !(531 > 541) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25790 > 25780)
2693 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(31327 > 28634)
10 SP !(541 > 551) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25780 > 25770)
2694 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(28634 > 25940)
10 SP !(551 > 561) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25770 > 25760)
2694 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25940 > 23246)
10 SP !(561 > 571) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25760 > 25750)
4575 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(23246 > 18671)
10 SP !(571 > 581) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25750 > 25740)
2696 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(18671 > 15975)
ൿ .(0 >>> -10/100)
* Relentless SP ! 233 SP ȸ (2189 > 2330)
* Relentless SP ߻! -186 SP ȸ (2330 > 2144)
- Relentless
Skill : Rowfarce's Judgement Lighting
45 SP !(2144 > 2189) : Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(25740 > 25695)
Relentless () ȸǾ: 11795 HP(10705 > 14242)
36859 Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon(15975 > -20884)
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() ߴ.(TP )
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon TP down -10%
Raid BossGoblin Battle Wagon() 𰡸 ȴ. Raid Box (Goblin Battle Wagon).

, ΰ ¯¯̽ô... , Ķ!
Relentless ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 10/100)
mongsil() ¸ߴ!
HP : 0/3858830
: 0/9
: 11064
HP : 58384/100679
: 6/6
: 1172526
: 37/600
ȹ ġ : 9460
ȹ Funds : $ 6,960
Raid Box (Goblin Battle Wagon) x 1
žӽ :+108

žӽ :-695

1172526 ( : 15099586)