α ּ

battle log*

this battle starts at
07/12 09:27:12
Raid - ȯ ٴ
հ : 55
: 55
HP : 15467000/15467000
÷ Ʈ˷
հ : 300
: 60
HP : 36063/36063
Raid BossSeiren Norn() 500ŭ ߰.
(100 >>> 600)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 15467000/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10725/10725
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 4960/4960
SP : 1301/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9457/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 5427/5427
SP : 4100/4100
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 5494/5494
SP : 2901/2901
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Field Battle
[]Ҽ() [ڸ]߻() ״!

Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Wing Guard

ȭ ʴ° ٵ...?
Raid BossSeiren Norn ǥ ٲ.
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []ī HP ߻! 550 HP ȸ (5494 > 5494)
* []ī SP ߻! 175 SP ȸ (2901 > 2901)
[]ī() ֹ ִܿ...(75%)(100 >>> 62/100)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (4960 > 4960)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1301 > 1301)
Skill : The Song of Minstrel ( 100 85 )
HP ! +4%
() ָ ߴ...
뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[] 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]Ҽ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[ڸ]߻ 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
[]ī 뷡 ... ൿ(20) ο!
ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4100 > 4100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Quick Circle
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x1
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (5427 > 5427)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4000 > 4100)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 97/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Magic Circle
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x1
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Sword Breaker
[]Ҽ HP ! +8%
[]Ҽ() غ Ǿ.
[]Ҽ() ȣѴ!
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Rage-

г뿡 뷧Ҹ .
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK rise 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX rise 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD rise 30%
STR down 15%
INT down 15%
DEX down 15%
SPD down 15%
[] STR down 15%
[] INT down 15%
[] DEX down 15%
[] SPD down 15%
[]Ҽ STR down 15%
[]Ҽ INT down 15%
[]Ҽ DEX down 15%
[]Ҽ SPD down 15%
[ڸ]߻ STR down 15%
[ڸ]߻ INT down 15%
[ڸ]߻ DEX down 15%
[ڸ]߻ SPD down 15%
[]ī STR down 15%
[]ī INT down 15%
[]ī DEX down 15%
[]ī SPD down 15%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
- []ī
Skill : Inner Fire
STR rise 20%
INT rise 20%
DEX rise 20%
SPD rise 20%
[] STR rise 20%
[] INT rise 20%
[] DEX rise 20%
[] SPD rise 20%
[]Ҽ STR rise 20%
[]Ҽ INT rise 20%
[]Ҽ DEX rise 20%
[]Ҽ SPD rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ STR rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ INT rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ DEX rise 20%
[ڸ]߻ SPD rise 20%
[]ī STR rise 20%
[]ī INT rise 20%
[]ī DEX rise 20%
[]ī SPD rise 20%
[]ī ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 10/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Pain-

뿡 뷧Ҹ .
2480 (4960 > 2480)
4729 [](9457 > 4728)
5363 []Ҽ(10725 > 5362)
2714 [ڸ]߻(5427 > 2713)
2747 []ī(5494 > 2747)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 50/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Water Pile
3029 []ī(2747 > -282)
[]ī() ߴ.(TP )
[]ī TP down -10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6887716/15467000
SP : 47300/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 5362/10725
SP : 610/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 2480/4960
SP : 1211/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 4728/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 2713/5427
SP : 4000/4100
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 0/5494
SP : 2826/2901
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
* HP ! 198 HP ȸ (2480 > 2678)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (2678 > 2778)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1211 > 1238)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 8580)
Skill : Discord(Seal) ( 80 70 )
() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 7566 HP ( Ŀ 2) (4728 > -2838)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1371 > 1396) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47300 > 47275)
èǾ !
[] ATK rise 5%
[] MATK rise 5%
[] STR rise 50
[] INT rise 50
[] DEX rise 50
[] SPD rise 50
[] LUK rise 50
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 20712 HP(-2838 > 9457)
60917 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6887716 > 6826799)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1396 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47275 > 47250)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21952 HP(9457 > 9457)
64564 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6826799 > 6762235)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47250 > 47225)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21952 HP(9457 > 9457)
64564 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6762235 > 6697671)
ġŸ! 2.7!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47225 > 47200)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21952 HP(9457 > 9457)
64564 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6697671 > 6633107)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47200 > 47175)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 16342 HP(9457 > 9457)
48063 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6633107 > 6585044)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47175 > 47150)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8327 HP(9457 > 9457)
24490 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6585044 > 6560554)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47150 > 47125)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8327 HP(9457 > 9457)
24490 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6560554 > 6536064)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47125 > 47100)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 8327 HP(9457 > 9457)
24490 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6536064 > 6511574)
: Two Hand Weapon
ũƼ !(+0.5)
: SubMace
[] ATK rise 422
: Axe
[] ATK rise 465
[] ATK rise 300
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (5362 > 6220)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (6220 > 8044)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (610 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
198 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6511574 > 6511376)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
- []
Skill : Rowfarce's Celibacy
() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[]Ҽ() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
[ڸ]߻() ν ȿ ̰ Ǿ!
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (2713 > 3419)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 328 SP ȸ (4000 > 4100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Mana Extend
[ڸ]߻ ִSP Ͽ! 4920.
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47100 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Requiem-

ĸ θ 뷧Ҹ .
ٰ ִ.( 3ȸ)
[] ٰ ִ.( 3ȸ)
[]Ҽ ٰ ִ.( 3ȸ)
[ڸ]߻ ٰ ִ.( 3ȸ)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (3419 > 4125)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4100 > 4494)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 94/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Dimension Gate
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 1
[ڸ]߻() ׷ȴ! x4
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (8044 > 8902)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (8902 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (580 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Armor Break
211 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6511376 > 6511165)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 20/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(100%)(100 >>> 0/100)
* HP ! 198 HP ȸ (2778 > 2976)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (2976 > 3076)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1118 > 1145)
() ֹ ִܿ...(95%)(100 >>> 71/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Requiem-

ĸ θ 뷧Ҹ .
ٰ ִ.( 2ȸ)
[] ٰ ִ.( 2ȸ)
[]Ҽ ٰ ִ.( 2ȸ)
[ڸ]߻ ٰ ִ.( 2ȸ)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* [ڸ]߻ HP ߻! 706 HP ȸ (4125 > 4831)
* [ڸ]߻ SP ߻! 394 SP ȸ (4377 > 4771)
[ڸ]߻() ֹ ִܿ...(5%)(100 >>> 85/100)
- [ڸ]߻
Skill : Summon Blast:Anubis
[ڸ]߻() ߴ! x 3
Anubis(A) .
[ڸ]߻ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -380/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 6511165/15467000
SP : 47800/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10725/10725
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 3076/4960
SP : 1145/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica (charging)
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9457/9457
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 4831/5427
SP : 4438/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 0/5494
SP : 2826/2901
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
HP : 14434/14434
SP : 14434/14434
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shout

Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 200/100)
- Anubis(A)
Skill : Shadow Abyss
3318 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6511165 > 6507847)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3444 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6507847 > 6504403)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
3528 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6504403 > 6500875)
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 20%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MDEF down 20%
Anubis(A)() ҸϿ.
Anubis(A) ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Skill : Melt Down
246 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6500875 > 6500629)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
246 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6500629 > 6500383)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
246 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6500383 > 6500137)
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEF down 50%
ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> -30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47800 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Requiem-

ĸ θ 뷧Ҹ .
ٰ ִ.( 1ȸ)
[] ٰ ִ.( 1ȸ)
[]Ҽ ٰ ִ.( 1ȸ)
[ڸ]߻ ٰ ִ.( 1ȸ)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 858 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Self Regeneration
[]Ҽ HP ! +7%
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Ragnarok
[] sacrifice 3028 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9457 > 6429)
25 SP !(1328 > 1353) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 73501 HP(6429 > 9457)
216180 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6500137 > 6283957)
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 5.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .(0 >>> 100/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47775 > 47800)
Raid BossSeiren Norn() ̴...(100%)(100 >>> -100/100)
* HP ! 198 HP ȸ (3076 > 3274)
* HP ߻! 100 HP ȸ (3274 > 3374)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1108 > 1135)
Skill : Song of Coral ( 70 55 )
() ָ ߴ...
ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
MAXHP(4960) extended to 5109
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
[] ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[]Ҽ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
[ڸ]߻ ȣ 뷡 ... ȭ!
ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
- []
Skill : Blood Rage
[] sacrifice 1514 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9457 > 7943)
ȿ ų! (ȿ 100%)
[] MAXHP(9457) extended to 9741
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1340 > 1365) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47800 > 47775)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 34282 HP(7943 > 9741)
100830 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6283957 > 6183127)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1365 > 1390) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47775 > 47750)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 34282 HP(9741 > 9741)
100830 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6183127 > 6082297)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1390 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47750 > 47725)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 34282 HP(9741 > 9741)
100830 Raid BossSeiren Norn(6082297 > 5981467)
Ҵ! 2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47725 > 47700)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 21548 HP(9741 > 9741)
63376 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5981467 > 5918091)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47700 > 47675)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10936 HP(9741 > 9741)
32164 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5918091 > 5885927)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47675 > 47650)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 34282 HP(9741 > 9741)
100830 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5885927 > 5785097)
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47650 > 47625)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 10936 HP(9741 > 9741)
32164 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5785097 > 5752933)
ġŸ! 3.2!
25 SP !(1411 > 1411) : Raid BossSeiren Norn(47625 > 47600)
10% ! [Ÿ:Boss]
[] () ȸǾ: 34282 HP(9741 > 9741)
100830 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5752933 > 5652103)
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 2.
Ragnarok 4.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( - ൿ(20) )(0 >>> 70/100)
- []
Skill : Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 586 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9741 > 9155)
[] MAXHP(9741) extended to 10033
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ְ ȿ 1.
Ragnarok 3.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1609 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1824 HP ȸ (10725 > 10725)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (605 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(10725) extended to 11047
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
237 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5652103 > 5651866)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid BossSeiren Norn
Rank : BOSS
HP : 5651866/15467000
SP : 47600/47800
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Social Knight
HP : 10725/11047
SP : 600/610
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Bard
HP : 3374/5109
SP : 1105/1301
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
[] The Rowfarce's Justica
Job : Einherjar
HP : 9155/10033
SP : 1411/1411
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Great Summoner
HP : 4831/5427
SP : 4438/4920
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (100%)
Job : Cardinal
HP : 0/5494
SP : 2826/2901
TP : |||||||||||||||||||| (90%)
- []
Skill : Battle Rage
[] sacrifice 602 HP ( Ŀ 2) (9155 > 8553)
[] MAXHP(10033) extended to 10334
[] DEF rise 5%
[] MDEF rise 5%
[]() ⿡ !
Blood Rage ȿ ȸ.
Ragnarok 2.
Ragnarok Cool Down! ð (30%) ߵ !
[] ൿ .( ൿ(10) )(0 >>> 60/100)
* HP ! 204 HP ȸ (3374 > 3578)
* HP ߻! 103 HP ȸ (3578 > 3681)
* SP ߻! 27 SP ȸ (1105 > 1132)
ְ ִ︮...(ַ 5550)
Skill : Discord(Seal) ( 50 40 )
MAXHP(5109) extended to 5262
DEF rise 5%
MDEF rise 5%
() ! x1
Raid BossSeiren Norn STR down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn INT down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn DEX down 10%
Raid BossSeiren Norn SPD down to the limit! (780)
Raid BossSeiren Norn LUK down 10%
ൿ .(0 >>> -50/100)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Painful Scream
() ȥ ¿ !
330 (3681 > 3351)
[]() ȥ ¿ !
ǵ尡 Ͽ.
0 [](8553 > 8553)
[]Ҽ() ȥ ¿ !
踮 []Ҽ() ȣϰִ! (21450 21125)
0 []Ҽ(10725 > 10725)
[ڸ]߻() ȥ ¿ !
ġŸ! 1.1!
345 [ڸ]߻(4831 > 4486)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
[]() ڼ ִ...(70%)(100 >>> 30/100)
* []Ҽ HP ! 1657 HP ȸ (10725 > 11047)
* []Ҽ HP ߻! 1878 HP ȸ (11047 > 11047)
* []Ҽ SP ߻! 43 SP ȸ (600 > 610)
- []Ҽ
Skill : Weapon Break
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11047) extended to 11378
[]Ҽ DEF rise 5%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 5%
237 Raid BossSeiren Norn(5651866 > 5651629)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ATK down 30%
Raid BossSeiren Norn MATK down 30%
[]Ҽ ش!
[]Ҽ DEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ MDEF rise 20%
[]Ҽ ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
* Raid BossSeiren Norn SP 밪 ! 5000 SP ȸ (47600 > 47800)
- Raid BossSeiren Norn
Skill : Seiren's Song -Requiem-

ĸ θ 뷧Ҹ .
MAXHP(5262) down to 0
9999999 (0 > -9999999)
[] ãƿԴ.
[] MAXHP(10334) down to 0
9999999 [](0 > -9999999)
[]Ҽ ãƿԴ.
[]Ҽ MAXHP(11378) down to 0
9999999 []Ҽ(0 > -9999999)
[ڸ]߻ ãƿԴ.
[ڸ]߻ MAXHP(5427) down to 0
9999999 [ڸ]߻(0 > -9999999)
Raid BossSeiren Norn ൿ .(0 >>> 0/100)
Raid - ȯ ٴ() ¸ߴ!
HP : 5651629/15467000
: 1/1
: 21737
HP : -39999996/5494
: 0/5
: 1236087
: 35/600
[] žӽ :+82

1236087 ( : 9815371)